Color Palette and Patterns

KCTCS Blue and KCTCS Gold are the colors identified with our system. Blue is the color of wisdom and integrity. Gold is the color of happiness. Together they create a feeling of hope and lend themselves to dynamic design.

Primary colors

These colors are suitable for all materials.



PMS 541
100C 57M 0Y 38K
0R 70G 127B
HEX VALUE #00467f

Madeira Thread Conversion 1167



PMS 131
0C 32M 100Y 9K
231R 166G 20B
HEX VALUE #e7a614

Madeira Thread Conversion 1025

Secondary Colors

These colors should be used in conjunction with KCTCS Blue and KCTCS Gold. 

Note: Color combinations must meet ADA requirements for color contrast.


0C 0M 0Y 0K
255R 255G 255B
HEX VALUE #ffffff


PMS 300
100C 62M 7Y 0K
0R 92G 185B
HEX VALUE #005cb8


Cool Gray 6
36C 29M 28Y 0K
167R 168G 169B
HEX VALUE #a7a7a9


PMS 298
65C 10M 1Y 0K
60R 180G 229B
HEX VALUE #3bb3e5


PMS 282
100C 87M 42Y 52K
1R 30G 65B
HEX VALUE #011d41


PMS 109
0C 16M 100Y 0K
255R 209G 0B
HEX VALUE #ffd000

Accent Colors

Sometimes you may need to bring in additional colors to add contrast or definition. These colors are to be used minimally as accents. These colors would take up no more than about 5% of the design.


PMS 369
67C 12M 100Y 1K
97R 166G 14B
HEX VALUE #61a60d


PMS 186
12C 100M 91Y 3K
206R 14G 45B
HEX VALUE #cd0e2c


  • Patterns can be used to build on our visual identity in much the same way as colors, fonts and images. They add visual interest when used in individual materials and bring cohesion to designs when used across multiple platforms.
  • The state icon, including the rays, can be used as a design element in limited circumstances. The icon should only be used in approved color variations or as a transparency and should not take the place of the logo. The full logo should be used in these instances. The only approved version of the logo includes the state icon.
  • The patterns below were developed to reference the beauty and hope of the sun in our logo. They are designed to fit across the bottom of a design and can appear on a blue or white background. They can be used to separate content and should always be horizontal. Do not use vertically or at an angle.
  • These colors are not necessarily recommended for building interiors, wall paint or furniture. Work with your facilities and marketing departments when designing interior spaces.

yellow thin horizontal line with state-shaped rays coming out of middle

yellow horizontal bar with rays pattern