Include a clear call to action. It is ok to include a url, but isn’t necessary. Most people will not remember the url and will go straight to the college website or do an internet search.
If you’ve developed a landing page or printed materials for your advertisement, they should echo the images, graphics and messaging of the TV spot.
An effective TV advertisement will identify the college early with the college name and logo, strive to form an emotional connection with viewers and demonstrate how the colleges gives their students a better life.
Choose powerful imagery as you will be competing with multiple advertisers, other screens and distractions in the place where the advertising is being viewed.
It is recommended that television ads for our colleges vocally pronounce the entire college name. Additional references may be abbreviated.
The college logo should be included on all TV ads, preferably the animated logo.
Use one of our key messages either vocally pronounced or on the screen.
Brand guide specifications for use of photography and videography apply to all external television ads.
It is recommended that television ads for KCTCS state “the 16 colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.” Additional references may be abbreviated.
The system logo should be included on all system-level TV ads, preferably the animated logo.
Should use “Never Underestimate You.” or another of our key messages.
Brand guide specifications for use of photography and videography apply to all external television ads.
Include a clear call to action. It is ok to include a url, but isn’t necessary. Most people will not remember the url and will go straight to the college website or do an internet search.
If you’ve developed a landing page or printed materials for your advertisement, they should echo the message and theme of the advertisement.
An effective radio advertisement should identify the college early, strive to form an emotional connection with listeners and demonstrate how the colleges gives their students a better life.
College radio ads should pronounce the entire college name. Additional references may be abbreviated.
Should include one of our key messages.
It is recommended that radio ads for KCTCS state “the 16 colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.” Additional references may be abbreviated.
Should include one of our key messages.
When designing for digital platforms, creative should be simple but high impact. Your ad will compete for attention on the page with other advertisers, photos, videos and copy. Your message needs to be conveyed quickly, which makes wise use of our brand elements critical.
Digital ads or the landing page should include one of our key messages.
The college or system logo should be prominent.
Our color palette includes colors that work well on the web and all can be used. PMS 541 (Blue) and PMS 131 (Gold) are most closely associated with our brand and are recommended for primary use.
Our creative fonts can be used for small amounts of copy, so typically work well in digital advertising.
Copy in a digital ad should be kept simple and straightforward. General recommendations are 12-15 words, possibly less in mobile ads. Some platforms, such as Facebook, have specific requirements for the amount of copy allowed in an ad. Call to action should be prominent and clear.
Search Engine Marketing ads are very short and require that you choose each word carefully. Be aware of tone and write as Julie as much as is reasonable.
Each platform for digital advertising has specific requirements, be conscious of these before you begin your design. Find more information at iab.com/guidelines.
Digital ads will link to a landing page. Follow guidelines for landing pages.
Pre-roll video should follow guidelines for video. Keep in mind that most pre-roll ads are only viewed for 3-5 seconds. You’ll want to include your most important information during that time.
When developing advertising for print and outdoor applications, keep the following in mind:
- Your ad will compete for attention with other advertisers making good use of our brand elements critical.
- Typically this type of advertising will consist of an impactful headline, image and call to action.
- Copy should include one of our key messages and be written keeping Julie in mind.
- Feature the college or system logo prominently and use our approved fonts and colors.
- KCTCS is a committed equal employment and educational institution. Use the short EEO statement on all printed materials.
When sending email marketing messages on behalf of the college remember:
- Your subject line is critical. It should encourage a reader to open the email to learn more.
- To make your email relevant to your list.
- To make it easy for a reader to convert and have a clear call to action.
- Include photos or videos to engage your reader.
- Avoid attachments.
- Include a key message.
- Write copy keeping Julie in mind.
- Feature the college or system logo prominently and use our approved fonts and colors.