College for Your World Brand Guide
College for Your World is a campaign designed to talk to every current and prospective student. The campaign is personal and authentic and encourages students to make the education choice that is right for them.
We are here to help our students be successful in their world. The campaign elements are outlined below.
Key Messages:
- College for the real world.
- College for your world.
- College for my world.
- Let’s get real.
- Spend a little time with us and get a lifetime career.
- Do more, be more, earn more.
- You won’t end up with crippling debt.
- Small classes, personal attention.
- It’s not about doing what you’re supposed to do, it’s about doing what you want to do.
- The first two years out of the way, for way less money.
- If you don’t know what you want to do why spend four years and a zillion dollars trying to figure it out
- Way less time, way less money.
- We offer Better, faster ways to getting an education.
- If you are looking for big time sports, parties, pep rallies – we have none of that…What we do offer is….
- Hands on training.
- University transfer programs.
- How to succeed in the real world.
- Not the world we live in.
- College for the 99%.
- Never underestimate you.
- You don’t need millions to build a better life. You just need us.
- Motivational with an edge.
- Messaging is clever and sometimes funny.
- Copy and images rely on the use of contrasts – highlighting the outcome of different choices.
The primary colors for designs to support this campaign are KCTCS Blue and KCTCS Gold.
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Headlines and body copy to support the campaign can use the fonts below. Choose a font that personalizes the image or person depicted.
Adelina Camerie
Cera Pro
Grunge Manifesto
Photography to support the Real-World campaign is available on Creative Shop. Find the library of available photos on Creative Shop. Filter by “College for Your World.”