Retired and Special Logos
#TeamKentucky Logo Treatment
To show our compassion for all people in Kentucky, particularly those who are negatively impacted by Covid19, we have temporarily lit up our college logos in green. These logos show that we are all in this together.
The logo treatment should be used primarily in social media, either as a profile picture or an image to accompany a post about Covid 19 related topics.
Accompany your social media posts with the hashtags being used by the Governor and the state: #TeamKentucky, #TogetherKy, #HealthyatHome and #Patriot.
This logo treatment is not designed to replace the college logo in any way.
Please request files from SO Marketing as needed. Do not try to recreate.
Go You!
The Go You! campaign and the accompanying graphics are retired and should be phased out as time and budget allow. Go You! can continue to be used in messaging, particularly with Pathfinder. The Dual Credit Go2College logo treatment is to continue to be used for communications to Dual Credit students.
We have limited professionally produced GED participant photos. Our current face of the GED Plus program is Art Flores (see design examples). Chosen photography should show adult students, looking straight into the camera, showing confidence. Photographs of faculty/staff assisting students would be beneficial.
The version of the KCTCS and college logos that feature the name outlined in gold and the system name spelled out underneath are retired and should not be used.
The KCTCS system logo that features the extended blue rays to create a rectangle state and sun and “Higher Education Begins Here” is retired and should not be used. The same is true for the version without “Higher Education Begins Here.”
Higher Education Begins Here should not be used.
Transforming Lives. Transforming Kentucky. should not be used.
The college logos with the gold sun in the shape of the state are retired and should not be used. There may be exceptions related to exterior signage in certain situations. The college or system office marketing department would approve such an exception.
With the introduction of the “Sunrise in Kentucky” logo, colleges no longer need to use the arch and bar configuration on marketing materials.
* For versions of these documents that are web accessible, please contact digital.communications@kctcs.edu.