Open Access to Information

Open Records Request
KCTCS records are public records subject to the Kentucky Open Records Act.

Salary Information
As a state institution the salary of KCTCS employees are open information.

Financial Reports
As a public agency, we understand you want to know how we operate. That's why we provide our Financial Statements and Budget Books online.

Tuition and Fees
Tuition and charges are determined by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents and the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. For payment deadlines, refer to the college academic calendar.

KCTCS Factbook
KCTCS publishes a Factbook every year with breakdowns on student data in many formats. The files are interactive and can be customized.

Huron Report and Board Motion 06-16-2023
The Huron Resource Optimization Study Report identified twelve priorities for the System that were approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents at the June 2023 meeting.

State Auditor's Special Examination of Certain Financial Operations and Internal Policies and Controls of KCTCS
A copy of the State Auditor's Special Examination Report and KCTCS' 60-Day Response.