Brand Personality & Identity

Photography is critical to our storytelling and should create an emotional connection in our audience. As much as possible, use photos of students and avoid stock photography. Photography should feature our students doing what they do best, learning, interacting with faculty, family or friends and pursuing a better life.

The uniquely identifying look of our photography is for the primary subject to be sharp with the background softer.

Avoid photos that are too busy, with no clear focus and with low resolution.

Photos for social media may be more informal.

KCTCS maintains a library of professional photography on SharePoint. Search for The Creative Shop.

Video is an excellent opportunity to inspire emotion in your viewers and show how lively and interesting our colleges and campuses can be. Video should feature our students doing what they do best, learning, interacting with faculty, family or friends and pursuing a better life.

Videos that are designed for marketing purposes should feature the video bug/animated logo.

When editing video, use our KCTCS blue and gold and primary fonts, when possible. Choose music and voice talent that create an emotional connection with the viewer.

Avoid videos with poor audio or low resolution.

Video for social media may be more informal.

KCTCS maintains a library of professional videography for your use on SharePoint. Search for The Creative Shop.

Download the marketing and recruitment photograph/record student consent form from the Marketing SharePoint site.

Below, you will find photos as they relate to our characteristics and key messages. You can easily find these photos, along with many others, in the Photos section of Creative Shop by using the Photo Groups filter, and selecting 4-star.

These images convey:

  • Inspiration, confidence, hopefulness, love of life
  • Our success, which is only achieved by student success
  • Belief in one’s self and potential
  • An encouraging sentiment of, "You've Got This"

Brand Personality & Identity Matrix - Audience

Brand Message Image Description Sample Image
Never Underestimate You Images should be aspirational, show determination, confidence and hope. smiling student in front of window
Your Success Equals Our Success Images should be encouraging and approachable. They should feature faculty and staff engaging with students supporting their success. student and instructor bumping fists over machine
Believe in Yourself and Your Potential These images should demonstrate the rewards of receiving an education, including the impact on their family and community. student putting on graduation cap in mirror
You’ve Got This Images should show how our students balance their lives with their studies. Our students are determined and work hard to be successful. student with daughter on couch
A Better Life Our centering idea. These images should capture the amazing spirit of our students and their success. alumni reading to small child