There will be opportunities to create a unique look and feel for specific efforts such as an enrollment drive, event, a service or program. These communications build on our Authentic Identity to meet specific objectives. They reflect our centering idea of A Better Life, use our key messages, college insights, colors, fonts and logos.
Types of Campaigns
Brand Awareness or Positioning campaigns are
- about the college’s identity and the way our stakeholders experience us
- generally long term (5-10 years)
- used to drive or change perception (who we are and why we exist)
- founded on Authentic Identity and A Better Life and support the college’s key insight
- created for all stakeholders
Marketing campaigns, such as for enrollment, a program, initiative or event, are
- generally short term (days – 3 years)
- used to get “someone to do something” with specific results.
- created for targeted audiences
Examples: Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship, many grants, Guaranteed Tuition, Early FAFSA, Smoke Free Campus, Advocacy, video contest, enrollment express, spring/fall enrollment, mobile app, student service center, It’s on Us, program of study recruitment, recruitment materials
Internal campaigns are
- generally short term (days – 3 years)
- used to share information, rally support, build morale or get someone to do something specific.
- created specifically for faculty and staff, students or student organizations
Examples: wellness effort, newsletter, convocation, employee award program
A brand positioning campaign is typically named with an accompanying graphic treatment including the name of the campaign and an image.
A brand awareness or positioning campaign would focus on KCTCS Blue and KCTCS gold, one of our five key messages, and use our typography. It would also include Authentic Identity messaging.
A campaign graphic treatment does not take the place of our logo.
A brand guide should be developed for a campaign that includes guidelines on:
- Mark usage.
- Color palette.
- Typography.
- Key messages.
- Creative examples or recommended images or photos.
These campaigns are typically named and may or may not have an accompanying graphic treatment including the name of the campaign and an image. Whenever possible this would be shown with the college or system logo and a rule to separate them (as in Work Ready).
These campaigns may bring in additional fonts or colors to create a unique look and feel.
Include Authentic Identity messaging.
These campaigns typically allow for more freedom in developing a unique mark and look and feel.
They would not necessarily need to use our color palette or fonts.