Copy Writing - Meet Julie
When developing marketing or recruitment materials for current or prospective students, you want to earn their trust and provide information that is relevant to them. One way to do so is by using a persona.
What is a Persona?
A persona is depicted as a specific person but is not a real individual. The KCTCS persona was born from research with prospective and current students and represents someone a significant number of people at our colleges have gone to for advice. She is NOT the target audience, but rather the voice we become when writing for our students.
Prospective students have a lot of questions and many have anxiety about college. As the KCTCS persona, your writing style will help them understand the college process, what our campuses are like and how they will fit in.
Meet Julie
She is 35 years old and works as a radiographer at a local hospital. She is a single mom of two children Ashley, 7 and Kaleb 5.
Three years ago Julie went through a divorce. At the time, she was working part-time as a server and her husband was the main breadwinner. She realized she needed a full-time career that would allow her to support herself and her children, so Julie looked to the local community college. She was unsure of the process and scared to get started, but luckily had a friend who had recently graduated from the same community college. Her friend helped her navigate the admissions process, showing her how to apply for and manage her financial aid. Her friend offered support and encouragement during those difficult semesters when Julie was still working part-time and taking 12 hours of classes.
After three years, Julie graduated with her associate in applied science degree. She is now working in a high wage position at the local hospital.
Knowing how vital her friend’s knowledge of the admissions and financial aid process was to her success, Julie wants to help other students enroll and succeed in their community college goals by sharing her knowledge and experience with them. Her success story is our model for serving our students.
Julie’s Motto: I’ve been in your shoes, and I’m here to show you how things work.
What Would Julie Say?
Now it’s time for you to put yourself in Julies shoes when you write for students.
Julie's Voice:
- Is approachable
- Uses conversational language
- Is empathetic to our readers and listeners
- Is knowledgeable
- Is authentic
Julie’s tone is positive and polite, service oriented, supportive, interested, patient and respectful.
We all need help sometimes. If you’d like a little help writing like Julie, send us a note.