9.7 Packaging Other Educational Resources

KCTCS colleges identify and package any educational resources for students.

KCTCS colleges identify and package any student support services grants for students.

KCTCS colleges identify and package any students in the GEAR-UP program.

KCTCS Colleges identify and package student with any student support services grants.

KCTCS colleges identify and package any student receiving vocational rehabilitation benefits. If a student who qualifies for both FSA funds and for vocational rehabilitations assistance funds, KCTCS determines the student’s package exclusive of both the costs related to the student’s’ disability and anticipated vocational rehabilitation assistance. In this way, the student with disabilities will be offered the same aid package as a student who is in the same financial situation but who doesn’t have a disability; the student with a disability will also receive the maximum amount of vocational rehabilitation aid to which he or she is entitled. If the vocational rehabilitation agency doesn’t fully meet the student’s disability costs, KCTCS may include the unmet disability expenses in the student’s cost of attendance, and increase his or her aid award.

Although the vocational rehabilitation funds shouldn’t be considered estimated financial assistance when aid is initially packaged for the student, KCTCS will coordinate funds available from the vocational rehabilitation agency and from institutional, state, and federal student financial assistance programs to prevent an over-award. The amount of assistance from the vocational rehabilitation agency will be documented in the student’s file.

KCTCS colleges identify and package any student receiving Bureau of Indian Affairs Grants. When packaging campus-based aid for a student who is or may be eligible for a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) grant, KCTCS will first develop a financial aid package without considering any BIA funds. If the total aid package after BIA funds are added does not exceed the student’s need, no adjustment may be made to the aid package. If the total package plus the BIA grant does exceed need, KCTCS will eliminate the excess in the following sequence: loans, work-study awards, and grants other than Pell Grants. (KCTCS will not reduce a Pell Grant or BIA grant.) KCTCS may alter this sequence of reductions upon the student’s request if, in the professional judgment of the college Financial Aid Director, it will benefit the student.

KCTCS colleges identify and package any student receiving Health and Human Services Program Grants and Loans.