12.9 Repeat Class Policy

Federal student aid may only pay for the first repeat one of any previously passed course. All attempted hours are included in the denominator of the evaluation of Pace. Any given class will be included in the numerator one time. Subsequent attempts of that course would increase the denominator but not the numerator. KCTCS colleges will use the highest grade when calculating a student’s GPA but must include the credits from all attempts when calculating maximum time frame (MTF).

Example: Student attempts BIO137 and earns a D on the first attempt. At this point, the student has a 1.0 GPA and 100% (QPS) (3 credits completed/3 credits attempted). The next semester, the student attempts the course again and earn a B. At this point, the student has a 3.0 GPA and 50% (QPS) (3 credits complete/6 credits attempted).

12.9.1 Additional Information

  1. Student Aid will not be provided for:
    • Courses taken by audit
    • Credit hours earned by placement tests
    • Non-credit course work
  2. All transfer hours will count in the attempted hours.
  3. Grades in legacy software systems (before PeopleSoft) will be used as recorded and reflected on the student’s academic transcript.
  4. If the student receives a change in a grade for a class, he/she must report this to their local Student Financial Aid office in writing for the change to be evaluated in the student’s financial aid eligibility record.
  5. Developmental remedial course work may receive funding up to a maximum of 30 credit hours according to federal regulations – automated due to Course Auditor.
    • A student may only receive aid for up to a maximum of 30 credit hours as an undecided major. Students attempting hours beyond the 30 hours must decide an eligible major to be considered for financial aid eligibility.
  6. Dual Enrollment Agreements (also known as Consortium Agreements) allow a student to receive funds for classes taken at more than one college outside KCTCS colleges. These forms are to be completed by the student and thestudent’s "visiting" college and submitted to their local KCTCS “home” College(where financial aid funds are received; usually the college from which the student plans to graduate). Classes taken at a visiting college (whether at KCTCS colleges or outside KCTCS colleges) must count toward the student’sgraduation from their awarding college.
  7. If a student is admitted "conditionally" she/he may receive student aid for one semester only. No additional aid may be awarded until the student completes an admission file.

The student should check with their Home College Financial Aid Office SAP Appeal Policy for specific information on the appeal the process.