Social Media

KCTCS encourages the use of social media to connect with prospective and current students, staff, faculty, alumni and the community. The following guidelines are intended to help users conduct their social media activities in a successful, legal and productive manner. When posting on behalf of a KCTCS unit the following should always be considered:

Remember the KCTCS Social Media Policy: This document guides employees in best practices for individual and college accounts as well as recommendations for posting in social media communities.

Think Twice: Privacy does not always exist in the world of social media. Please consider what effect your post could have on both the poster and the college. Search engines can turn up social media results years after they have been posted, and comments can be forwarded and copied.

Check Twice: Please be sure all posts contain accurate information, are grammatically correct, and do not contain any misspellings.

Be Polite: Remember that social media is an open platform and posts should encourage active discussions, even of opposing ideas. Don’t post any material that is profane, libelous, obscene, threatening, abusive, harassing, hateful, defamatory, or embarrassing. If someone else posts any such material, please notify the System Office Social Media Team.

Listen: Observe before you begin posting. Take notice of what people are talking about and what they are interested, then add value to the discussion by posting on similar topics with helpful or interesting information.

Remember your audience: Consider who your audience is before you publish content and make sure you post relevant information.