Photos and Videos

  • Links to videos or audio files should be followed by a description telling the user the file format and file size (in KB) so that they know what to expect before downloading.
  • Linked text should be descriptive and should not just be the file name
  • The following file types can be uploaded into the CMS: .JPG, .GIF, .PNG, .TXT, .DOC, .XLS, .PDF and .CSV.
  • File names for ALL files uploaded to the website including image files, forms in the database, Word documents and PDFs should use the following naming conventions: 
    • File names should contain only letters, numbers and dashes
    • Do not use special characters, such as ; . : & * () {} [] ! # $, etc.
    • Dashes should be used instead of spaces
    • No more than one dash should be used in succession
    • Lowercase letters are preferred, but uppercase letters are allowed

Before uploading images to the media library, size your photos in a photo editing program such as Photoshop or Fireworks. Photos should be no larger than 525 pixels wide x 575 pixels high, and the file size should be 30 K or less.

KCTCS CMS is set to default to no border. If you feel that your image needs a border, for example, to separate an image with a light background from the background of the web page, please specify a 3-point border or less by entering a 1, 2 or 3 in the Border box on the Image Info tab in the Image Properties dialog box.

Any images or videos used on KCTCS College web pages must have all of the appropriate rights and permissions. Any necessary release forms must be signed by the person(s) appearing in the images or videos (or a parent or guardian if the subject is under 18). Proper permissions must be on file for the use of any images not owned by KCTCS that are protected by copyright. Non-employees appearing in a public space, i.e. campus areas, cafeterias, computer labs, etc, do not need releases.

Photo release forms can be found on the Intranet in the Forms and Documents section. Please contact the Marketing Department if you are concerned about the usability of any unsourced or otherwise questionable images.

Any and all photos should follow KCTCS trademark and usage procedures in the KCTCS Brand Guide and Social Media Policy.

Always fill out the Alternative Text (or Description) field in the Image Properties dialog box in the CMS when adding images to your web page. This not only helps the visually impaired who are using screen readers, it also gives context of the photo content for sighted users if the image should fail to load.

Animated .GIFs are not allowed.

Complex images of tables, charts, etc must be accompanied by a linked or in-body long description.

Web authors who are allowed to post videos to web pages will use the upload feature provided in the KCTCS CMS YouTube URL.

In accordance with Section 508, all videos must be closed-captioned. The YouTube voice recognition captioning does not satisfy this legal obligation. Auto-generated YouTube captioning must be reviewed and edited for accuracy, spelling, and grammar. If a video can not be captioned using the voice recognition tool, the video text must be linked from the video description or a captioning file must be uploaded to the YouTube video.

Videos with text on screen must have that text either read by a narrator or other audio in the video, or be accompanied by an audio description. Graphics, scenes, or other visuals in the video must also be described in an accompanying audio description. 

If an audio description cannot be provided, a descriptive transcription must accompany the video. 

Faculty/Staff/Student Authorization to Obtain/Utilize Images

A photo release form can be found on the Intranet in the Forms and Documents section.

It is the policy of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System that informed written consent be granted for all photography and/or videotaping.

Should the photo/video release form not be available, a written statement in the following format can be obtained and kept for KCTCS records.


I, <full legal name>, hereby grant permission to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to photograph and/or videotape me and/or to supervise any others who may do the photography and/or videotaping.

I also authorize the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to use and/or permit others to use the aforementioned images in the following educational, informational and promotional activities without compensation.

  • News Media
  • KCTCS Promotion/Advertising
  • Educational Publications/Video
  • Web and other Digital Communications

Signature Date

Name (printed)

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