Quick Reference

The KCTCS Editorial Style Guide provides guidelines for authors and editors of KCTCS communications and publications, especially those targeting media, students and prospective students. The purpose is to produce consistency across the system and platforms and reinforce a strong professional image. (See online style guide for more on writing for the web.)

This style guide does not apply to academic reports, books, articles or other content written primarily for academic audiences.

The guidelines are based on the online version of The 56th Edition of The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law, commonly referred to as the AP Stylebook, and Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition. In cases of conflict, the KCTCS Editorial Style Guide supersedes the AP Stylebook and AP supersedes Webster’s. If AP is silent on a topic, follow guidance from Webster’s.

Entries in the style guide address questions that may commonly arise when writing about KCTCS and the colleges, such as academic titles, programs and degrees, building and place names.

The KCTCS Editorial Style Guide will be updated regularly to reflect ongoing changes to the AP Stylebook.

Please consult the AP Stylebook or Webster’s Dictionary for further reference.


Avoid abbreviations in running text, except when part of names, street addresses, courtesy titles or academic degrees. Common errors are abbreviating Ky. and dept. in text and headlines.

If an acronym is so well known by the public or your audience, you can use the acronym on first reference and in headlines. Examples: ACT, SAT, GPA and IQ and KCTCS.

Do not follow an organization’s full name with an abbreviation or acronym in parentheses on first reference. On second reference, use the abbreviation, unless it would not be clear.

  • Kentucky Community and Technical College System on first reference. KCTCS on second reference.
  • Maysville Community and Technical College on first reference.
    MCTC on second reference.

Established acronyms such as KCTCS or any of our college acronyms work well in headlines. Avoid acronyms in headlines if they aren’t well known since it would cause confusion.

In general, avoid alphabet soup in text. You can always replace KCTCS on third reference as “the system office” or “system officials” instead of KCTCS officials.


Associate degree is singular – no ‘s. Use an apostrophe in bachelor’s and master’s degree.

In formal usage, if required, uppercase the degree names but not the major that follows.

  • Associate of Arts in communications.
  • Associate of Science in general engineering.
  • Associate of Applied Science in nursing.
  • Bachelor of Arts in history.
  • Master of Science in chemistry.

This is the preference when degrees are necessary to the content:

  • She holds an associate degree in communications and a bachelor’s in marketing.

Do not use “Dr.” before the names of individuals who hold doctoral degrees. Dr. is used only before someone’s name who holds a doctor of medicine, dental science or veterinary medicine degree.

Instead, when necessary and appropriate for a specific audience: Cassandra Jones, who has a doctorate in mathematics, was the lead researcher.

In a list: Ryan Quarles, Ed.D.

When used after a name, an academic abbreviation is set off by commas.

  • Larry Ferguson, Ph.D., delivered the commencement address.

Remember, you have great flexibility in quotations to use words that people speak, such as: “We are so appreciative of Dr. Ferguson’s outstanding leadership during this time.”


Use lowercase except for words that are proper nouns.

  • English department.
  • history department.
  • the department of history.

Uppercase is used when the department is part of a formal name.

  • University of Connecticut Department of Economics.

Lowercase is used for course/program names in news stories.

  • air conditioning technology.
  • business administration.
  • family law.
  • medical office terminology.


Passive voice is prominent in academic writing, but it hurts readability. For most

audiences, writing in active voice is required because it increases readability. Write in active voice for all documents created for students/prospective students, websites and news releases.

  • Active: The class read the book.
  • Passive: The book was read by the class.


Use the abbreviations Ave., Blvd. and St. only with a numbered address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

But spell out abbreviations without a numbered address and capitalize when part of a formal street name: Pennsylvania Avenue.

Lowercase and spell out streets, avenues and boulevards when used alone or with more than one street name: Massachusetts and Pennsylvania avenues.

Spell out all similar words such as alley, drive, road, terrace and lane.

Always use figures for address numbers.


KCTCS is breaking with the AP Style Guide and will continue usage of advisor, as opposed to the recommended adviser. Both are correct.


Do not use an ampersand in place of the word “and” unless it is a part of an institution’s formal or legal name.

Kentucky Community and Technical College System, but Procter & Gamble and AT&T.

Ampersands should only be used graphically on KCTCS printed and digital materials such as ads, viewbooks, posters, brochures and fliers, but not in news releases and other formal communication, such as letters and emails.

Ampersands are acceptable in social media posts due to space requirements and the less formal nature of posts.


No apostrophe is needed for decades.

  • 990s, 1980s.

For a singular common noun ending in “s” form the possessive by adding ’s.

  • The hostess’s invitation was lost in the mail.

Use only an apostrophe for singular proper names ending in “s.”

  • KCTCS’ Marketing Department.
  • Dickens’ book.
  • Achilles’ heel.


AP uses dashes instead of bullets to introduce individual sections of a list, and it’s due only to technical difficulties with their systems. So, a good rule is to use dashes in a news release, and feel free to use bullets for newsletters, marketing materials, meeting agendas, and basically anything else.

Capitalize the first word following the dash or bullet. Use periods, not semicolons, at the end of each section, whether it is a full sentence or a phrase.

Use parallel construction for each item in a list.

When using full sentences or paragraphs as list items, ensure the grammar is correct as for any sentence and list each normally.

  • This is the first sentence of my list.
  • This bullet has two sentences. Again, just make sure to use proper grammar with your list items.
  • This is just a third sentence to make the list look better.

When using single words and phrases as bulleted items, always capitalize the first letter and use a period for consistency. Single words might be better served in a sentence separated by commas.

  • Software contracts.
  • Bookstore operations.
  • Café hours.


Campus names are considered proper names, so use sentence case for the entire name.

Whitesburg Campus.

  • Technology Drive Campus.

When referring to multiple campuses, lowercase the word campuses.

  • Cooper, Newtown, Danville, Lawrenceburg and Georgetown campuses.


In general, the serial or Oxford comma is not used in AP Style.

Use a comma to separate words in a list, but do not add a comma before the conjunction in a simple series.

  • Red, white and blue flags.
  • Every Tom, Dick or Harry.

However, AP does allow an Oxford comma if omitting it could make the meaning unclear.

  • Merle Haggard invited his two ex-wives, and Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson. Also use a comma before the concluding conjunction in a complex series of phrases: The main points to consider are whether the athletes are skillful enough to compete, whether they have the stamina to endure the training, and whether they have the proper mental attitude.

If items in the series contain commas themselves, use semicolons between all items.

  • The letters she wrote are dated August 7, 1918; May 12, 1935; and January 4, 1965.

When a conjunction such as “and, or but” link to clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences, use a comma before the conjunction in most cases.

  • We wanted to go to the picnic, but it was raining.

Qualifiers such as Jr., Sr. and III are not set off by commas.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Charles Smith III.

Set off the year when using dates with commas on both sides if a day of the month precedes it.

  • Nov. 17, 2023, is the deadline.
  • November 2023 is the deadline.

Set off a parenthetical (nonrestrictive) expression with commas on both sides. Note that states following cities are parenthetical and require commas before and after.

  • The study, it was believed, had been falsified.
  • The members of the class, generally speaking, were happy to be there.
  • They visited Springfield, Ohio, on their last trip.

Commas always go inside quotation marks, except when a quotation mark indicates inches. See AP Stylebook for more information on comma use.


Use commonwealth of Kentucky if a formal use is required, which is rare with news stories, and lowercase c. As a standalone and in place of the state name of Kentucky, it is still lowercase. Follow this same convention for states, cities, counties and towns.

  • KCTCS offers dual credit for high school students across the commonwealth.
  • Advanced manufacturing is a major industry in the commonwealth of Kentucky.


A participle, particularly at the beginning of a sentence, must have a noun or pronoun it can belong to or modify. The participle should be immediately followed by the noun it modifies.

  • Driving along the road, the house came into view.

The phrase driving along the road does not modify house. Rewrite:

  • The house came into view as we drove along the road.


Em dashes are basically long hyphens but aren’t used as hyphens. AP refers to the Em dash as a dash. They are used after datelines and to start lists. They can also be used for emphasis to set off a series within a phrase and to signal abrupt change. AP requires one space on both sides of the dash. There is one exception and that is for sports summary tables. See hyphens.


Datelines in stories should contain a place name, entirely in capital letters, followed in most cases by the name of the state, country or territory where the city is located.

• VERSAILLES, Ky. -- Today, the …


Use an ellipsis (three periods . . .) to indicate the omission of one or more words in condensing

quotes and other textual material. Space before and after the ellipsis and between periods within the ellipsis. If the ellipsis occurs inside a sentence, it consists of three dots; if it occurs at the end of a sentence, follow the ellipsis with a period for a total of four dots.


Fax is acceptable on first reference. It does not require capitalization.


When used as a collective noun, faculty takes a singular verb.

The ACTC faculty is sponsoring a food drive in collaboration with student government.

Faculty members are sponsoring the food driver.


Gender often corresponds with but is not synonymous with sex. Gender refers to a person’s internal and social identity while sex refers to biological characteristics.

Gender-nonconforming is acceptable in broad references: The group is providing scholarships for gender-nonconforming students.

We now use LGBTQ in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and questioning and/or queer. LGBT is no longer used.

Gender-neutral language:

In general, use terms that can apply to any gender. Such language aims to treat people equally and is inclusive of people whose gender identity is not strictly male or female.

AP says to balance these aims with common sense, respect for the language, and an understanding that gender-neutral or gender-inclusive language is evolving and in some cases is challenging to achieve.

Instead of chairwoman or chairman, use chair or chairperson; instead of spokesman, use spokesperson.

Line worker, not lineman

Door attendant, not doorman

Search, not manhunt

Police officer, not policeman

Workers, not workmen

Alum or alums is acceptable on first reference.

But because of common language, use congressman and congresswoman.

Do not presume one’s gender identity in constructing a sentence. Usually, it is possible and preferable to reword the sentence to avoid gender, unless it is central to the story, or the person requested their pronoun be used.

As much as possible, AP now uses they/them/their as a way of accurately describing and representing a person who uses those pronouns for themselves.

One must balance sensitivity with readability.

When using they/them/their as a singular pronoun, explain if it isn’t clear in context: Morales, who uses the pronoun they, said they will retire in June.

Don’t refer to preferred or chosen pronouns. Instead, say the pronouns they use. Sherrie, whose pronouns are... or Sherrie, who uses the pronouns...

Language is evolving in all these areas. See AP Stylebook for more information.


Headlines should have important info at the front of the headline and use action verbs. Readers make decisions to read your story based on how interesting the headline is.

Headlines should provide the main idea in a tone appropriate to the story. They should be vivid, accurate and fair. AP limits headlines to 100 characters. Subheads are acceptable.

Consider keywords, search terms and what will be compelling in a headline to capture a reader’s interest.


Health care is two words in AP style. Merriam-Webster’s uses healthcare. Both are correct, but we will deviate from AP style and use the one-word version.


Hyphens are joiners and there are no spaces before or after hyphens.

Lowercase email and use without a hyphen. However, it’s e-book, e-reader, e-commerce.

Use a hyphen for ranges such as Jan. 1-4. There are no spaces before or after the hyphen.

Use a hyphen to avoid ambiguity and in the following situations:

Compound modifiers: In general, when two or more words modify and come before the noun, use hyphens.

  • A 3-year-old child, a well-known physician.
  • The child is 3 years old, and the physician is well known.

Do not hyphenate when compounds include “very” or adverbs ending in “-ly.”

  • a very delicate procedure, an expertly performed operation.

Most compound modifiers are not hyphenated when they appear after a noun.

  • The program, well known for its success, is part of the school of education.
  • The program is world renowned.

However, compounds with the prefix “well” are usually not hyphenated when they follow forms of “to be.”

Compound words:

Avoid hyphenating compound words whenever possible, unless hyphens are necessary to avoid confusing the reader or to avoid an awkward junction. Note: Check the AP Stylebook or Webster’s if you have questions about specific words.

  • Coworking (as in sharing space or Wi-Fi), freelance, inpatient, statewide, nonresident, noncredit, co-worker (if within the same company), co-opt, anti-utopian and post-traumatic.

Certain compounds should be spelled as two words when used as adverbs or nouns (full time, part time, off campus, cost of living) but hyphenated when used as adjectives.

  • She has a part-time job to attend school full time.
  • On-campus housing is limited, and many students live off campus.

Use a hyphen when the base word begins with a capital letter.

  • non-GMO.

Use a hyphen when referring to first-professional degrees or levels of residency.

first-professional degree, second-year resident.

  • If a word already contains a hyphen, do not break it at the end of a line.


AP does not italicize words in news stories, so do not italicize in news releases.


Do not capitalize.


Use the Julie persona for all student/prospective student communications. Julie’s voice is:

  • Approachable.
  • Conversational.
  • Empathetic.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Authentic.

Here are some examples of Julie/not Julie.

  • Not Julie: More information can be found in the student section.

Julie: Got questions? Give us a call. We’re here to help!

  • Not Julie: Please utilize the correct form.

Julie: We’re happy to walk you through the process of filing out your paperwork.

Remember: Faculty and staff are not the target audience when writing for students. Julie’s voice is used to help students/prospective students navigate the academic world.


In a state news release, it is not necessary to include Kentucky in the text following the name of a Kentucky city. Furthermore, “Ky.” will already be in the dateline. Do not use the postal code KY in text. Spell it out instead.


The lead is the introduction to the story. It often is a summary of key facts, but sometimes a teaser for lighter stories. In journalistic jargon, it’s lede.