KCTCS HRPP Intake Form
The HRPP Intake Form is intended for research projects that involve an Institutional Review Board (IRB) external to KCTCS. If another IRB has already been involved in the review of this research project, please navigate to our Inter-Institutional Acceptance Forms instead.
All research projects undergo an initial review to determine whether criteria are met that would exempt the project from some federal research guidelines. If the research project seeks to involve participants from vulnerable populations (including minors under the age of 18), or if the protocol exceeds the definition of minimal risk per the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), a more intensive review is required and will involve a formal review by the full KCTCS IRB.
Please note that acceptance of a prior IRB review determination does not guarantee access to a KCTCS College to conduct research, or to data requested from our Office of Research and Policy Analysis (ORPA). Upon gaining approval or exemption from the HRPP, you will be required to gain site access approval from any KCTCS College to be included in your research protocol.
To help prevent delays in your review, please make sure to include any relevant documentation in the Attachments section at the bottom of the form. We also strongly suggest reviewing HHS guidelines on Informed Consent prior to submission.