Academic Affairs

Dual Credit Program
Works with our high school partners to provide dual credit opportunities in a pathway for students, provide resources and guidance on policy and facilitate the dual credit scholarships.

Works with 4-year institutions to give our students pathways to assist with their transfer goals.

Works with business and industry partners to ensure KCTCS graduates have the skills necessary to be successful with their employer of choice.

Ready to Work
Is a partnership between KCTCS colleges and the Kentucky Cabinet for Health & Family Services, Department for Community Based Services. RTW is designed to assist low-income parents to enroll and be successful students in Kentucky's community and technical colleges.

Pre-Employment Transition Services
Pre-ETS is a partnership with the Education and Workforce Cabinet’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to serve Kentucky students with disabilities age 14-21 in public or private schools, home schooled students, postsecondary institutions, adult education programs, and alternative school settings such as Juvenile Justice.

Chancellor's Office InfoSite
Our intranet center for information on faculty promotion, governance, professional development and more.

Looking for something else?
More resources and information is available on our internal SharePoint site. Login is required.