KCTC Board of Regents
Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Board of Regents Meeting
September 21-22, 2023
Members Present:
- Mr. Russell Cox
- Ms. Karen Finan – participated day 2 via TEAMS.
- Mr. Chris Girdler
- Ms. Kimberly Greene - participated day one via TEAMS.
- Mr. Keith Hamilton
- Mr. Joseph Heerdink
- Ms. Layah Hodges
- Dr. Patsy Jackson
- Ms. Alexandra Martin
- Mr. Barry Martin
- Ms. Kelly Rabinowitz– participated day one via TEAMS.
- Mr. Richard Smith
- Mr. James Lee Stevens
- Mrs. Brianna Whitten
Members Absent:
- Ms. Candace McGraw
CALL TO ORDER, September 21, 2023, DAY1:
KCTCS Board of Regents Chair Barry Martin called to order the meeting of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents at 1:02 p.m. (ET) on September 21, 2023. The meeting was held at the KCTCS System Office in Versailles, Kentucky. The press was notified of the meeting on September 15, 2023. Hon. Pamela Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian.
Chair Martin asked Ms. Duncan to call the roll.
There being a quorum present, the meeting began.
Chair Martin noted that the Board of Regents is holding a 20-minute public comment period at each meeting. Each individual seeking public comment would need to be physically present, they must register with the Board Liaison, and indicate the topic they want to speak about. Only 7 people are permitted to speak, and they will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Chair Martin noted that no one had signed up to speak.
Chair Martin moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin introduced the two new Regents to the Board and asked each one to provide a brief introduction. Ms. Layah Hodges is a student at Jefferson Community and Technical College and Ms. Alexandra Martin is a student at Maysville Community and Technical College. Chair Martin also noted the Student Regents were given their orientation session and they were administered the Oath of Office before the meeting began.
Chair Martin asked if there were any corrections to the June 15-16, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes. There being none, the minutes were declared approved as presented.
Chair Martin moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin shared that he attended the Annual Kentucky Chamber Dinner last night. He attended with other KCTCS Staff and KCTCS College Presidents. He noted that the gubernatorial candidate forum with Governor Andy Beshear and Attorney General Daniel Cameron took place during the dinner.
Chair Martin recognized previous KCTCS Board Chair, James Lee Stevens. Chair Martin presented Regent Stevens with an engraved Chair gavel and opened the floor for Regents to share their warm wishes to Regent Stevens. Regent Stevens thanked the Board and hopes that Chair Martin’s turn at Chair is less dramatic as his tenure as Chair.
Chairs Martin called for discussion, there being none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chair Martin asked Acting KCTCS President Ferguson to give his presentation to the Board.
KCTCS Acting President Ferguson shared that he had worked with his Cabinet members and their staff for each of the 12 Huron Opportunities to assign them out to his Cabinet members and their staff. Acting President Ferguson went into great detail about each of the 12 Huron Opportunities (Attachment A).
Chair Marting called for discussion.
During discussion, Regents asked for updates on all 12 Huron Opportunities at each Board meeting. Regents also asked for a KCTCS President Transition Team to be appointed and begin working with the new President before they come on board.
Chair Martin called for additional discussion, there being none, he asked KCTCS Acting President Ferguson to continue his report to the Board.
Acting KCTCS President Ferguson shared an update with the Board about the KCTCS Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators. Dr. Ferguson noted that periodic updates will be given to the Board throughout the year.
Dr. Ferguson shared that a President for Big Sandy Presidential Search was named, and he was in the audience. He asked Dr. Scott Rule to share a little about himself with the Board.
After Acting KCTCS President Ferguson’s presentation, Chair Martin called for discussion. There being none, Chair Martin moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chair Martin asked Acting KCTCS Chancellor Reneau Waggoner to provide a presentation to the Board. Acting Chancellor Waggoner provided a PowerPoint presentation on Certificate and Program Approvals, ORPA Online Learning Report, Online Course Quality Assurance Pilot and Date, and highlights from the Chancellor’s area.
Chair Martin called for discussion. Hearing none, he asked Acting Chancellor Waggoner to present the next agenda item.
Action: KCTCS Colleges’ Candidates for Credentials
RECOMMENDATION: The KCTCS Board of Regents approve the awarding of KCTCS colleges’ candidates for degrees and diplomas and ratify certificates as presented in the supplemental booklet, KCTCS Candidates for Credentials April 7, 2023 –
July 13, 2023, with the credentials (degrees, diplomas, and certificates) to be awarded to the candidates upon certification that the requirements have been satisfactorily completed.
Chair Martin called for the motion.
MOTION: Regent Whitten moved, and Regent Greene seconded, that the KCTCS Board of Regents approve the awarding of KCTCS colleges’ candidates for degrees and diplomas and ratify certificates as presented in the supplemental booklet, KCTCS Candidates for Credentials April 7, 2023 – July 13, 2023, with the credentials (degrees, diplomas, and certificates) to be awarded to the candidates upon certification that the requirements have been satisfactorily completed.
Chair Martin called for the vote and asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the roll call vote.
VOTE: The motion was approved unanimously.
Chair Martin moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin asked KCTCS Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development Jessie Schook to present this agenda item.
Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development Schook provided a PowerPoint presentation on Workforce and Economic Development Updates. Updates included the Employer Asset Map, Education First Employers, Career Development Taskforce, and TRAINS.
Chair Martin called for discussion. There being none, he moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin announced that the next item on the agenda was closed session, but before the agenda item could begin, Chair Martin called for a recess.
RECESS – The Board took a recess at 2:35 p.m. (ET) and reconvened at 2:48 p.m. (ET)
Regent Cox moved, and Regent Whitten seconded, that the KCTCS Board of Regents enter closed session pursuant to KRS 61.8210(1)(c) and/or KRS 61.810(1)(f) at 2:49 p.m. (ET).
Chair Martin called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously.
Regent Rabinowitz made the motion, and Regent Whitten seconded, that the KCTCS Board of Regents reconvene in open session at 3:40 p.m.
Chair Martin called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously. Chair Martin announced that no action was taken and he would entertain a motion to pull some of the agenda items from Day 2 of the meeting given they have time before adjournment.
MOTION: Regent Cox moved, and Regent Whitten seconded that the Board amend the agenda due to time constraints for discussion of agenda items that were supposed to take place on day 2 of meetings.
Chair Martin called for the vote and asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the roll call vote.
VOTE: The motion was approved unanimously.
Chair Martin moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin asked Board Liaison Hannah Rivera to present this agenda item.
Board Liaison Rivera gave a summary of the upcoming KCTCS Presidential Finalists Interview schedule, to take place next week, Board Liaison Rivera noted that each Board member received a booklet with each of the finalist’s information to review before next week. She also noted that the Board would receive a report of each candidate’s survey results after the interviews, before deliberations begin.
Chair Martin called for discussion.
During discussion, Regents asked how many applicants did the search firm, Association of Governing Boards (AGB), receive? Board Liaison Rivera shared that 47 applications were received.
Regents also asked for a brief synopsis of how the search was conducted. Board Liaison Rivera noted she would put that together and send to the Board.
Chair Martin called for discussion. There being none, he moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Martin asked the KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Chair Russell Cox to give a brief summary from the August 30, 2023, KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Meeting.
Regent Cox shared they received a report about the Kentucky State Auditor’s Special Audit of KCTCS. He noted that KCTCS should receive the report by the end of October 2023.
Regent Cox also noted that the Committee received an information agenda item
Chair Martin called for discussion, there being none, he moved to adjourn.
Regent Heerdink made the motion and Regent Whitten seconded that the meeting adjourns.
Chair asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously, and the Board adjourned at 4:30 p.m. (ET).
CALL TO ORDER, September 22, 2023, DAY 2:
KCTCS Board of Regents Chair Barry Martin called to order the meeting of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents at 9:02 a.m. (ET) on September 22, 2023. The meeting was held at the KCTCS System Office in Versailles, Kentucky. The press was notified of the meeting on September 15, 2023. Hon. Pamela Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian.
Chair Martin asked Ms. Duncan to call the roll.
There being a quorum present, the meeting began.
Chair Stevens called for discussion. There being none, he moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Stevens asked Acting KCTCS President Ferguson to present this agenda item.
Acting KCTCS President Ferguson shared that Chair Stevens asked for an overview of the action plan that the KCTCS System Office and the 16 colleges’ follow for Crisis Planning. He shared that in 2022 a policy was developed that all the colleges’ and the KCTCS System Office have Emergency Response Teams (ERT).
Acting KCTCS President Ferguson shared that all the colleges and the System Office are reviewing their plans and conducting training sessions. He called for discussion after his presentation.
During discussion, Regents asked for periodic updates on the Crisis Communications and Planning for each of the colleges and the System Office. Acting KCTCS President Ferguson noted that it would be added to topics of discussion for future Board meetings.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion. There being none, he moved to the next agenda item.
RECOMMENDATION: That the KCTCS Board of Regents discuss the 2022-2023 Board Evaluation Report and either (a) determine that no recommendations for improvement are needed at this time, or (b) make suggested recommendations for improvement based on the survey results.
Chair Stevens asked Regent Patsy Jackson to present this agenda item.
Regent Rabinowitz joined the meeting via TEAMS.
Regent Jackson presented a PowerPoint presentation with the Board Evaluation results summarized and totaled for the Board members to review. After the presentation, Regent Jackson asked for a motion to make changes or a motion to accept the evaluation as it was given.
MOTION: Regent Greene made the motion and Regent Smith seconded that the KCTCS Board of Regents accept the 2022-23 Board Evaluation Report.
Chair Stevens called for the vote and asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the roll call vote.
VOTE: The motion was approved unanimously.
Chair Stevens called for a recess.
RECESS – The Board took a recess at 10:25 a.m. (CT) and reconvened at 10:40 a.m. (CT)
Chair Stevens asked Regent Joe Heerdink to provide the report.
Regent Heerdink provided a summary of the May 9, 2023, KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Meeting. He shared that the Committee heard a report from the Internal Auditor Lance Mann, from Dean Dorton. He also noted a kick-off to the KCTCS External Audit provided by Interim Vice President Buddy Combs.
Regent Heerdink shared that the Kentucky State Auditor Team had initial meetings with KCTCS staff so they may begin their state audit.
Chair Stevens called for a motion to accept the KCTCS Audit Committee Report.
Regent Heerdink made the motion and Chair Stevens seconded it. Chair Stevens called for the vote and asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the roll call vote.
VOTE: The motion was approved unanimously.
Chair Stevens moved to the next agenda item.
RECOMMENDATION: That the KCTCS Board of Regents ratify the personnel actions listed in the agenda materials.
Chair Stevens asked KCTCS General Counsel Pam Duncan to present this agenda item. She noted that the personnel actions presented were in accordance with reporting guidelines and policies adopted by the KCTCS Board of Regents.
Chair Stevens called for discussion. There being none, he called for the motion.
MOTION: Regent Fletcher moved, and Regent Jackson seconded, that the KCTCS Board of Regents ratify the personnel actions listed in the agenda materials.
Chair Stevens called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously.
KCTCS General Counsel Duncan gave an update on the KCTCS Human Resources Area since the resignation of the KCTCS Vice President Hillis. She shared that Human Resources are now under the legal department. KCTCS General Counsel Duncan noted that discussion and review of the department is taking place and Ms. Duncan will give an update at the September meeting.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion. There being none he moved to the next agenda item.
Chair Stevens asked Acting KCTCS President Ferguson and Interim Vice President Combs to provide a presentation to the Board. Mr. Combs noted that the Statement of Current Funds Revenues and Expenses reflects actual program and operational expenditures compared to the 2022-23 budget approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents, June 10, 2022. This report reflects total revenues and appropriated fund balances of $693,841,000 or 85 percent of the budgeted revenue and appropriated funds. The Statement of Current Funds Revenues and Expenses also reflects current fund expenses and budget reserve of $628,384,000 or 66 percent of the expenses budgeted for the year.
The Statements of Net Position reflect the overall financial position of the System and include assets, deferred outflows, liabilities, deferred inflows, and net position. KCTCS’s net position remains a strong $1,045,345,000 as of March 31, 2023.
Chair Stevens called for discussion. There being none he moved to the next agenda item.
Action: 2023-24 KCTCS TUITION
Recommendation: The KCTCS Board of Regents approves and reports to the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) a $4.00 per student credit hour (SCH) tuition increase for 2023-24 for instate students. This action is allowed within CPE’s tuition rate structure at Kentucky’s public postsecondary education institutions for 2023-24. The result will be the following 2023-24per credit hour tuition rates for KCTCS colleges.
In-State Students $186
Out-of-State Students $250
Chair Stevens asked Interim Vice President Combs to present this agenda item. He noted that Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 164.020 gives the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) the authority to determine tuition rate ranges for Kentucky’s state-supported universities and KCTCS.
Interim Vice President Combs shared that CPE staff recommended to its CPE Board a maximum based rate increase of no more than $7.00 per student credit hour over two years (i.e., a 3.85 percent total increase over two years) and a maximum based rate increase of no more than $4.00 per student credit hour in any one year (i.e., a 2.20 percent increase in any one year) for 2023-24 for in-state KCTCS students.
Interim Vice President Combs extended appreciation to the KCTCS Chief Business Officers and KCTCS College Presidents for their work and support on this agenda item. He also noted that a joint letter was sent to each KCTCS Board of Regent.
Chair Stevens called for discussion.
During discussion, Regents asked for the System to look at ways other revenue can be obtained instead of a tuition increase. Interim Vice President Combs and Acting KCTCS President Ferguson asked each college President in attendance to share what they will do with the revenue they could receive with a tuition increase.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion. There being none he called for the motion.
MOTION: Regent Martin made the motion and Regent Bogard seconded that the KCTCS Board of Regents approves and reports to the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) a $4.00 per student credit hour (SCH) tuition increase for 2023-24 for instate students. This action is allowed within CPE’s tuition rate structure at Kentucky’s public postsecondary education institutions for 2023-24. The result will be the following 2023-24per credit hour tuition rates for KCTCS colleges.
In-State Students $186
Out-of-State Students $250
Chair Stevens called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved by majority vote. The final count was seven Aye, and two no.
Chair Stevens called for a recess.
RECESS – The Board took a recess at 11:25 a.m. (CT) and reconvened at 11:38 a.m. (CT)
Recommendation: The KCTCS Board of Regents approves the 2023-24 KCTCS Salary Schedule (Attachment B) which includes salary ranges for regular full-time faculty and staff. The KCTCS Board of Regents must approve funding for the salary schedule within the KCTCS annual budget.
Chair Stevens asked Interim Vice President Combs to present this agenda item. He noted that the proposed 2023-24 KCTCS Salary Schedule has been designed with consideration of available resources, best practices, and market conditions. The 2022-23 KCTCS Salary Schedule reflects monthly salaries to accommodate the period of assignment in months for regular full-time faculty and staff. Faculty assignments range from 10 to 12 months. Staff assignments range from 9 to 12 months.
He shared that Regular, full-time positions are slotted into the salary bands of the schedule with consideration of benchmark pricing, internal equity, and academic rank. There may be exceptions to the proposed salary schedule when filling a highly desirable, highly compensated position. Offers outside the normal hiring range will be evaluated and approved by System Office Compensation prior to any job offer as it may be necessary to offer a salary outside of the normal hiring range.
Chair Stevens called for discussion.
During discussion it was noted that the Salary Schedule was created with current information. After the comp and class portion of the Huron Study is concluded, this could change.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion. There being none, he called for a motion.
MOTION: Regent Heerdink made the motion and Regent Bogard Smith seconded that the KCTCS Board of Regents approve the 2023-24 KCTCS Salary Schedule (Attachment B) which includes salary ranges for regular full-time faculty and staff. The KCTCS Board of Regents must approve funding for the salary schedule within the KCTCS annual budget.
Chair Stevens called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously by those Regents present to vote.
Chair Stevens moved to the next agenda item.
Recommendation: The KCTCS Board of Regents approve a $1,000 increase to the base recurring salary in FY 2023-24 for each regular, full-time employee who earned at least the “Fully Met” (faculty) or “Met Expectations” (staff) rating in the 2022-23 KCTCS Performance Evaluation process and was hired prior to April 1, 2023.
Chair Stevens asked Interim Vice President Combs to present this agenda item. He noted that KCTCS faculty and staff have and continue to demonstrate their dedication to our students exemplified the past two years managing the challenges of the pandemic. Their commitment to provide educational services while under increased safety restrictions and virtual instructional delivery of classes provided a seamless educational experience for our students. This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of faculty and staff working to advance the mission of KCTCS daily for the benefit of the Commonwealth.
He noted that the 2023-24 proposed balanced budget for each KCTCS college, the systemwide operations and support programs, and the Fire Commission was developed anticipating funding this recurring payment. The recommended recurring salary increase is supported by the KCTCS President’s Leadership Team. The last recurring salary increase occurred in July of 2022.
Chair Stevens called for discussion.
During discussion, the Regents raised the increase from $1,000 to $2,000.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion. There being none, he called for the motion.
MOTION: Regent Heerdink made the motion and Regent Bogard seconded that the KCTCS Board of Regents approve a $2,000 increase instead of the $1,000 previously stated to the base recurring salary in FY 2023-24 for each regular, full-time employee who earned at least the “Fully
Met” (faculty) or “Met Expectations” (staff) rating in the 2022-23 KCTCS Performance Evaluation process and was hired prior to April 1, 2023.
Chair Stevens called for the vote. Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously by those Regents present to vote.
Chair Stevens moved to the next agenda item.
RECOMMENDATION: The KCTCS Board of Regents adopt the 2023-24 budget resolution (Attachment C) regarding the 2023-24 Annual Budget for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. This budget and its provisions will be effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
Chair Stevens asked Interim Vice President Combs to present this agenda item.
Interim Vice President Combs shared that the annual budget directs the use of financial resources available to KCTCS to help achieve the mission and vision of KCTCS. This budget places emphasis and the highest priority on students and the effective and efficient use of available resources.
He noted that the KCTCS 2023-24 Budget will: Provide a $2,000 base recurring salary increase for all regular full-time employees who receive a “fully met requirements” or “met expectations” rating on their 2022-23 performance evaluation. Fund fixed cost increases in utilities, property and casualty insurance, and facility operating costs. Fund fixed cost increases in current employee benefits programs. Fund the cost of faculty promotions. Maintain a nonrecurring (NR) budget reserve for each college, the systemwide operations and support programs, and the Fire Commission, and provide limited safeguards against a potential state appropriation reduction and enrollment declines through the strategic uses of prior year operating fund balances and reserves.
He shared that the KCTCS President’s Leadership Team supports this recommended budget.
Chair Stevens called for discussion. There being none, he called for the vote.
Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously by those Regents present to vote.
Chair Stevens moved to the next agenda item.
RECOMMENDATION: That the KCTCS Board of Regents adopt the following meeting calendar for 2024:
March 21-22, 2024
June 13-14, 2024
September 19-20, 2024
December 5-6, 2024
Chair Stevens asked KCTCS Board Liaison Hannah Rivera to present this agenda item. Ms. Rivera noted that no Regents responded with any conflicts. Ms. Rivera called for the motion.
MOTION: Regent Smith made the motion and Regent Hamilton seconded that the KCTCS Board of Regents adopt the following meeting calendar for 2024:
March 21-22, 2024
June 13-14, 2024
September 19-20, 2024
December 5-6, 2024
Chair Stevens called for discussion. There being none, he called for the vote.
Ms. Duncan conducted the vote.
The motion was approved unanimously by those Regents present to vote.
Chair Stevens called for a recess.
RECESS – The Board took a recess at 12:35 p.m. (CT) and reconvened at 12:50 p.m. (CT)
RECOMMENDATION: That the KCTCS Board of Regents elect members for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the Board for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024.
Chair Stevens asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the elections.
Ms. Duncan asked if the Board would be willing to take a quick break and grab lunch and then come back and have a working lunch for the rest of the meeting. The Board agreed so Chair Stevens called for a recess.
RECESS – The Board took a recess at 12:51 p.m. (CT) and reconvened at 1:05 p.m. (CT)
Ms. Duncan began the election with the position of Chair. She opened the floor for nominations. Regent Martin was nominated, and no other nominations were made.
Ms. Duncan noted Regent Martin is the only nominee so no vote will be needed.
Ms. Duncan moved to the position of Vice Chair. She opened the floor for nominations. Regent
Jackson was nominated. Regent Hamilton was also nominated. Regent Jackson did not accept the nomination so Regent Hamilton was the nominee for Vice Chair.
Ms. Duncan noted Regent Hamilton is the only nominee so no vote will be needed.
Ms. Duncan moved to the position of Secretary. She opened the floor for nominations. Regent Whitten was nominated, and no other nominations were made.
Ms. Duncan noted Regent Whitten is the only nominee so no vote will be needed.
Chair Stevens called for additional discussion, there being none he moved to announce the next meeting.
Next Meeting:
Chair Stevens announced that the next regular meeting of the KCTCS Board of Regents is scheduled for September 21-22, 2023, at KCTCS System Office, Versailles, Kentucky.
Regent Girdler moved that the meeting adjourn. Regent Smith seconded the motion.
Chair Stevens asked Ms. Duncan to conduct the roll call vote.
The motion was approved unanimously, and the Board adjourned at 1:10 p.m. (CT).
_09/21/2023___________ Date Approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents
____________________________________ Barry Martin, Chair KCTCS Board of Regents
_____________________________________ Brianna Whitten, Secretary
KCTCS Board of Regents