KCTCS Board of Regents
Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Board of Regents Meeting
September 21-22, 2023
KCTCS System Office, Versailles, Kentucky
Livestream For Thursday, September 21, 2023: https://youtube.com/live/y6SxwjJ1XCs?feature=share
Livestream For Friday, September 22, 2023: https://youtube.com/live/mOSzX8J00Fc?feature=share
Thursday, September 21, 2023 – 1:00 pm (ET)
- Call to Order and Press Notification, Chair Martin
- Roll Call, Parliamentarian Duncan
- Open Comment Period*
- Total public comment period time will be 20 minutes. Each individual seeking public comment must be physically present, must register with the board liaison and indicate their topic. No more than seven people will be permitted to speak in the Open Comment Period and should be limited to three minutes per person.
- Approval of Minutes, Chair Martin
- Chair’s Report, Chair Martin
- President’s Report, Acting President Ferguson
- Increase Learner Success, Acting Chancellor Waggoner
- Update: Chancellor’s Office Initiatives, Acting Chancellor Waggoner
- Action: Ratification of KCTCS Colleges’ Candidates for Credentials, Acting Chancellor Waggoner
- Increase Employment Success, Vice President Schook
- Update: Workforce and Economic Development Initiatives, Vice President Schook
- Executive Session
KRS 61.810 (1) (c) – Proposed or Pending Litigation
KRS 61.810 (1) (f) – Individual Personnel Matters. Discussions that may lead to the appointment, discipline, or termination of an individual employee. - Adjournment
Friday, September 22, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. (ET)
- Call to Order and Press Notification, Chair Martin
- Roll Call, Parliamentarian Duncan
- Agenda Items*
- Increase Organization Success
- Update: KCTCS Presidential Search, Board Liaison Hannah Rivera
- Update: 2024 State Legislative Agenda, Board Liaison Hannah Rivera
- Update: KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Meeting, Audit Committee Chair Russ Cox
- Action: Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, Audit Committee Chair Russ Cox
- Information: Revisions to KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Charter and KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws, General Counsel and Parliamentarian Duncan
- Action: Ratification of Personnel Actions, General Counsel and Parliamentarian Duncan
- Update: Other Postemployment Benefit (OPEB) Trust Report, General Counsel and Parliamentarian Duncan and Interim Vice President Buddy Combs
- Update: Huron Human Resources Study, General Counsel and Parliamentarian Duncan
- Action: KCTCS 2024-2026 Biennial Budget Request, Interim Vice President Combs
- Action: KCTCS Capital Construction Projects
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Big Sandy Community and Technical College Fire Alarm Upgrades
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Bluegrass Community and Technical College HVAC Replacements
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Gateway Community and Technical College Edgewood Renovation
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Maysville Community and Technical College Water Infiltration Study and Remediation
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Owensboro Community and Technical College Replace Switchgear Downtown Campus
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Big Sandy Community and Technical College Pikeville Nursing Program Renovation
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Roof Replacement Franklin Simpson Center
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Signage
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Owensboro Community and Technical College Mobile Healthcare Labs
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Somerset Community College 3D Printers
- KCTCS Interim Project Approval: Bluegrass Community and Technical College Property Acquisition
- Update: Financial Report, Interim Vice President Combs
- Update: Technology Solutions 2023 Annual Report, Vice President Howes
- Next Meeting – December 7-8, 2023, KCTCS System Office, Versailles, Kentucky
- Adjournment