KCTCS Board of Regents
Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2023
12:30 p.m. EST
KCTCS System Office, Conference Room 102 A/B
Chair Martin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order on December 7, 2023 at 12:36 p.m. EST.
Chair Barry Martin (Present)
Vice Chair Keith Hamilton (Present)
Secretary Brianna Whitten (Present)
Mr. Rusell Cox (Absent)
Ms. Karen Finan (Present)
Mr. Christopher Girdler (Present)
Ms. Kimberly Greene (Present)
Mr. Joseph Heerdink (Present)
Ms. Layah Hodges (Present)
Dr. Patsy Jackson (Present)
Ms. Alexandra Martin (Present)
Ms. Candace McGraw (Present)
Ms. Kelly Rabinowitz (Absent)
Mr. James Lee Stevens (Absent) - OPEN COMMENT PERIOD
Jefferson Community and Technical College Professor Peter Rodski spoke to the Board about his background and the issue with faculty pay bands, specifically that after 31 years, his pay was still $10,000 below the mid-point of the pay band. The Board Chair allowed Professor Rodski to speak beyond the allotted time. Regent Whitten asked Professor Rodski his thoughts on compression. Professor Rodski indicated the options presented to the Board did not do enough to address faculty pay. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Regent Heerdink made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 21-22, 2023 Board of Regents meeting. Regent Whitten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - CHAIR’S REPORT
Chair Martin acknowledged Huron’s efforts and read a statement from incoming KCTCS President Dr. Ryan Quarles. Chair Martin stated there had been transition meetings with Dr. Quarles and they had been very positive. Chair Martin presented Dr. Larry Ferguson with a plaque to recognize his service as Acting KCTCS President. - PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Acting President Ferguson welcomed the Board’s new Regent Candance McGraw.
Dr. Ferguson outlined the Senate Joint Resolution 98 report. Dr. Fergson indicated the report provided recommendations and not mandates. Like the Huron report, there are opportunities for KCTCS. Dr. Ferguson reiterated that it is up to the legislature whether to act on the recommendations.
Dr. Ferguson introduced the Board to Dr. Quarles’ executive administrative assistant, Melissa Eaton. After a comprehensive national search, Dr. Greg Feeney was selected as Bluegrass Community and Technical College’s next President. KCTCS is conducting a national search for several Cabinet positions and the following positions have posted: Vice President of Communications and Strategy, Vice President of Human Resources, Chief Financial Officer.
Dr. Ferguson announced that six KCTCS colleges were selected for an ASPEN award which recognizes the top 150 community colleges in the nation. Fall 2023 enrollment was up 6.5% from Fall 2022 and Spring 2024 is on track to be up from Spring 2023. - HURON PRESENTATION
Huron representatives provided an update on each of the three workstreams and provided updated timelines for each workstream.
Project Management Office (PMO)
Dr. Sarah Ballard is currently overseeing the four KCTCS led workstreams: (1) capital construction, (2) data strategy, (3) space utilization, and (4) strategic sourcing, as well as the Huron led workstreams: (1) academic programming deep dive, and (2) organizational structure & services.
Huron Administrative Activity Study (HAAS)
In early 2024, Huron will provide options for the future state of four areas across the system: (1) enrollment management, (2) finance, (3) procurement, and (4) human resources. Huron also provided specific data from each of the four areas.
Regent Jackson asked how the different options would affect the people on the ground. Huron stated the next piece of the analysis would look at the fiscal impact. Huron clarified that they only provide recommendations because every organization is different, but their recommendations are based on models proven in both the corporate world and higher education institutions.
Academic Programming Deep Dive
Since the last update, two workshops have occurred: (1) faculty expectations, and (2) section enrollments. The final report will be issued in early 2024 and will include four components: (1) additional opportunities, (2) new program opportunities, (3) workshop key themes, and (4) CAO academic portfolio and section enrollment review exercise.
It was clarified that Huron is getting feedback from those that will be impacted and stakeholders are being updated throughout the process.
Regent Finan asked what questions the President’s Leadership Team brought up when this information was presented to them. Huron said the concern was how the recommendations would impact staffing levels. There was also discussion about the difference between customer service and back office duties
Chair Martin stated that the Board is committed to moving forward with full transparency.
Parliamentarian Pam Duncan and Chair Martin thanked Huron for their work.
The Board took a recess at 2:17 p.m. EST and resumed at 2:33 p.m. EST. - HURON PROJECT COMPENSATION AND CLASSIFICATION RECOMMENDATION
Hon. Pam Duncan presented the recommended revised salary schedule for staff and faculty. The first step to implementing the recommendations from the Huron Compensation and Classification Study is the approval of a new salary schedule. The next step would be to map the positions across the system to the new salary schedule. Any compression and equity adjustments would come after positions are mapped.
Hon. Duncan also updated the Board on other projects that the Compensation and Classification Implementation team is working on, such as a new faculty promotion process.
There was discussion about the faculty pay bands and that the maximum amounts were less than the 2023-2024 salary schedule. It was discussed that the breadth of the pay bands was out of line with recommended salary practices. The minimum amounts are now more than the previous salary schedule. It was reiterated that no current employee will move back in pay.
Hon. Duncan reminded the Board that the salary schedule is approved by the Board every year and adjustments can be made. Hon. Duncan stated that it is up to the Board to hold the KCTCS President accountable to make sure the recommendations are properly implemented. Several Regents reiterated the need to ensure consistency across the system.
There will also be a communication plan related to compensation and classification.
Regent Heerdink made a motion to approve the recommended salary schedule. Regent Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Regent Whitten, Regent Hodges, Regent Jackson, and Regent A. Martin voted no.
The Board took a recess at 4:11 p.m. EST and resumed at 4:27 p.m. EST. - INCREASE EMPLOYMENT SUCCESS
Vice President Schook provided an update on the Education First Employers initiative. An Employer Asset Map has been completed, which will be vital in addressing the recommendation from Senate Joint Resolution 98 regarding a comprehensive employer engagement strategy.
The President’s Leadership Team created a Career Development Taskforce to work on more meaningful career exploration services such as mentoring. KCTCS is working on a branding strategy to promote nursing. A promotional video was shared with the Board. The demand for TRAINS is going up and they frequently have repeat customers.
Regent Girdler commended Vice President Schook on her efforts in the workforce development arena for KCTCS. - INCREASE LEARNER SUCCESS
Acting Vice President Waggoner reported on 19 new credentials approved between September and December.
Dr. Waggoner reported on the KCTCS Online Learning Assessment plan. 95% of full time faculty have completed the KCTCS Essential Skills (KES) Training, and 72% of full time faculty have completed their KES self-review. The goal is for all full time faculty to have completed the training and self-review by the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. Adjunct faculty will complete the training and self-review by the end of the 2024-2025 academic year. The online learning peer team will also be assessing online courses between January and March, 2024.
Dr. Waggoner reported that three colleges have submitted their application to the Department of Corrections and have executed an MOA to provide prison education programs.
Regent Whitten made a motion to approve the awarding of KCTCS colleges’ candidates for degrees and diplomas and ratify certificates as presented in the supplemental booklet, KCTCS Candidates for Credentials July 14, 2023-October 1, 2023, with the credentials (degrees, diplomas, and certificates) to be awarded to the candidates upon certification that the requirements have been satisfactorily completed. Regent Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - KENTUCKY AUDITOR’S REPORT
Regent Whitten requested to move the agenda item to the second day. - EXECUTIVE SESSION
Regent Whitten made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) proposed or pending litigation. Regent Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board went into executive session at 4:45 p.m. EST. - ADJOURNMENT
Regent Whitten made a motion to return to open session. Regent Heerdink seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to open session at 5:10 p.m.
Chair Martin announced that no action was taken in executive session.
Regent Hodges made a motion to adjourn. Regent Heerdink seconded. Motion passed by consensus and the meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m. EST.
Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2023
9:00 a.m. EST
KCTCS System Office, Conference Room 102 A/B
Chair Martin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order on December 8, 2023 at 9:07 a.m. EST.
Chair Barry Martin (Present)
Vice Chair Keith Hamilton (Present)
Secretary Brianna Whitten (Present)
Mr. Rusell Cox (Present)
Ms. Karen Finan (Present)
Mr. Christopher Girdler (Present)
Ms. Kimberly Greene (Present
Mr. Joseph Heerdink (Present)}
Ms. Layah Hodges (Present)
Dr. Patsy Jackson (Present)
Ms. Alexandra Martin (Present)
Ms. Candace McGraw (Present)
Ms. Kelly Rabinowitz (Absent)
Mr. James Lee Stevens (Absent) - KENTUCKY AUDITOR’S REPORT
Interim Vice President Combs briefly reviewed the findings and recommendations from the Auditor’s Report. Mr. Combs noted that KCTCS was already working to correct several of the findings and to implement the recommendations. KCTCS has 60 days to provide a formal response to the report, but KCTCS has already provide a non-substantive response that was included in the report. The Board will be kept informed of KCTCS’ progress as it relates to the recommendations.
Regent Finan noted that the audit was self-requested by the Board of Regents. Regent Cox asked what KCTCS was doing from a public relations standpoint. Chief of Staff Rivera stated that KCTCS has provided a statement and was proactive in reaching out to stakeholders to inform them of the report.
Vice President Schook discussed the findings and recommendations related to TRAINS. - INCREASE ORGANIZATION SUCCESS
- 2024 State Legislative Agenda
Chief of Staff Rivera presented the KCTCS 2024 Legislative agenda. Senate Joint Resolution 98 and the budget will take up a significant amount of time. It is expected that there will be bills related to guns on campus, DEI, tenure, and scholarships. KCTCS’ big ask is more funding for the Work Ready Kentucky scholarship and for TRAINS.
The Board discussed the challenges with providing dual credit courses at the 50% rate.
The Board took a recess at 10:37 a.m. EST and resumed at 10:50 a.m. EST. - KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Meeting
Audit Committee Chair Cox stated that the Audit Committee met on November 29, 2023 and Dean Dorton provided updates from the Quarter 2 Audit. Chair Cox assured the Board that the Audit Committee reviewed thoroughly. The IT Audit was also discussed at the last committee meeting. - Revisions to KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Charter and KCTCS Board of Regents
Chair Cox explained that the Audit Committee Charter is being revised to align with best practices. There was a time when outside parties were on the Audit Committee, but it has been recommended that only Board members serve on the committee.
Hon. Duncan provided an overview of the changes to the KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws, including a statutory change related to expulsion and suspension appeals.
Regent Cox made a motion to approve the changes to the Audit Committee Charter and the KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws. Regent Heerdink seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - Other Postemployment Benefit (OPEB) Trust Report
Interim Vice President Combs and Hon. Duncan provided an update on the Common Fund Quarterly Report. Mr. Combs provided updated numbers on KCTCS’ total liability, fiduciary net position and the number of participants.
Hon. Duncan provided an overview of the OPEB Trust Committee, which is tasked with overseeing the administration of the OPEB Trust. The Committee meets quarterly, and the new Committee has members that are not eligible for the OPEB
Trust in order to remove potential conflicts of interest. At the last committee meeting in November, action was taken to begin the process of requesting a proposal or extending the current contract and to look at best practices for the OPEB Trust. - Ratification of Personnel Actions
Hon. Duncan reminded the Board of their statutory duty to ratify personnel actions. She recognized those members that have retired or passed away.
Regent Whitten moved to ratify the personnel actions. Regent Jackson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. - KCTCS Capital Construction Projects
- Big Sandy Community and Technical College Mayo Welding Upgrades
- Elizabethtown Community and Technical College Science Building Extension
- Bluegrass Community and Technical College Roof Replacements
Assistant Vice President for Facilities and Support Casebier provided an overview of each capital construction interim project and why each college was requesting approval for an increase in the scope of the project.
Regent Whitten made a motion to approve the increase in scope for all three capital construction interim projects. Regent Jackson seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- KCTCS Capital Construction Rubric
Mr. Casebier shared the previous capital construction rubric and process. As a result of Board feedback, Facilities staff created a more detailed rubric that more specifically incorporates the Huron recommendations. The new rubric will be tested based on previous projects and adjustments will be made as necessary. Regent Whitten requested that the Board see more detailed information on the capital construction projects for context in the future. - KCTCS Facilities Support Services Update
Mr. Casebier provided an accounting of the current projects. A total of 56 projects were completed with asset preservation funds and 18 projects were line items from the legislature or completed using restricted funds. Mr. Casebier discussed the acquisitions and dispositions of real property since the last meeting. Mr. Casebier also updated the Board on a fire sprinkler and fire alarm inspection review, and informed the Board that a safety evaluation of all technical campuses was on track to be
completed soon. As a result of energy efficient projects, KCTCS has a total of $18,353,310 in cost savings/cost avoidance.
Regent Hamilton asked about personal safety measures and KCTCS’ plan. Mr. Casebier indicated that KCTCS would be ready when that became an immediate need. - Financial Report
Interim Vice President Combs provided an update on the financial activity through the first quarter of the fiscal year. Mr. Combs noted that state appropriations are down due to the removal of KBEMS from KCTCS, because KCTCS received funding for aviation in the previous fiscal year that was non-recurring, and the KERS supplement was reduced. Tuition revenue is up $9.1 million dollars from the previous year, though non-credit tuition is down from the previous year. Investment income is up significantly.
The Board took a recess at 12:07 p.m. EST and resumed at 12:19 p.m. EST. - Advancement Report
Assistant Vice President of Philanthropy Tracy presented the KCTCS Annual Philanthropy Report for fiscal year 2023. Mr. Tracy reiterated that his area is working towards one organization of philanthropy. Mr. Tracy highlighted several changes they have made in the last quarter which include establishing an online giving platform, updating alumni records, increasing the number of events held across the system, and creating standard and customizable reports that the colleges can use.
Mr. Tracy presented his plan for becoming a proactive fundraising foundation:
develop strategic fundraising plan, create case for support, develop robust donor pipeline, and build relationships. Mr. Tracy informed the Board of the KCTCS Giving Day on April 25th and indicated he would be asking them to contribute to a challenge gift.
- 2024 State Legislative Agenda
- Adjournment
Chair Martin announced that the next regularly scheduled Board of Regents meeting is scheduled for March 21-22, 2024, at the System Office in Versailles, however, that is subject to change due to the AGB Conference on Trusteeship.
Regent Heerdink made a motion to adjourn. Regent Whitten seconded. Motion passed by consensus and the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. EST.