KCTCS Board of Regents
Executive Summary
Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)
Board of Regents Meeting – December 7-8, 2023
KCTCS System Office, Versailles, KY
Meeting highlights:
Senate Joint Resolution 98 (SJR98) Update.
KCTCS Acting President Larry Ferguson shared a summary of SJR98. “SJR 98 serves as a referendum on the reforms enacted by the Kentucky Postsecondary Improvement Act (HB1).” Acting President Fergusion noted that the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) was charged by the Kentucky State Senate to conduct a study and present the finding to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2023. The study’s purpose is to serve as a referendum on HB1, and an opportunity to make changes to help Kentucky have greater economic competitiveness now and in the future.Acting President Fergusion discussed the findings with the Board in great detail and noted that once the 2024 KCTCS Legislative Session begins, more will be done to determine the next steps.
You can access the report and summary here: https://cpe.ky.gov/news/stories/cpe-approves-postsecondary-feasibility-study.html.
Huron Study Progress Report.
Representatives from Huron attended the meeting and gave a progress report on the next step for opportunities in the Resource and Program Optimization part of the Huron Study.
In June, the KCTCS Board of Regents approved the top twelve priorities in four areas -- space utilization assessment, academic programming optimization, financial and organizational assessment, and other considerations. In September, the KCTCS Board of Regents received an update on the progress of all twelve priorities. All twelve priorities are underway and will be implemented, or in process, by the end of the year and the remaining priorities will be addressed in the future.
Huron provided a project update, discussed the project management support, gave steps for the organizational structure and services design, and shared information about the academic programming deep-dives. -
Approved the Huron Project Comp and Class Recommendations.
The Board of Regents approved the revised salary schedule resulting from the Huron Compensation and Classification Study as the first step in implementing recommended changes.-
4,988 candidates for certificates.
329 candidates for diplomas; and
1,644 candidates for associate degrees.
Approved Revisions to the KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Charter and KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws.
The Board approved the revisions to both documents.
Ratified Personnel Actions.
A report was received about personnel actions and ratified.
Approved KCTCS Capitol Construction Projects.
The Board approved projects at Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, and Elizabethtown Community and Technical College.
Other Highlights:
Received updates/reports on the following items: o Chair Martin recognized Acting President Larry Ferguson for his service.
KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Chair Russell Cox provided an update to the full Board on the November 29, 2023, Audit Committee meeting.
Increase Learner Success Update.
Workforce and Economic Development Update.
An update of the 2024 KCTCS Legislative Agenda was provided by KCTCS Chief of Staff Hannah Rivera.
Update about the Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) Trust was provided by KCTCS General Counsel and Parliamentarian Pam Duncan and Interim KCTCS Vice President Buddy Combs.
Received an update on the KCTCS Financial Report and KCTCS Facilities Support Services.
KCTCS Institutional Advancement Update.
Next Regular Meeting –March 21-22, 2024
The KCTCS Board of Regents will conduct its next regularly scheduled meeting in Versailles, KY at the KCTCS System Office.