Meeting Materials

Itinerary Board of Regents Meeting March 24-25, 2022

Hazard Community and Technical College 
Hazard, Kentucky

Thursday, March 24, 2022 (Eastern Time)

12:00 p.m.-  Working Lunch and Board Agenda Items

      1. Update: Accreditation - Presentations from Dr. Sue Ellspermann, Ivy Tech 
        President and Dr. Sally Johnstone, NCHEMS President 
      2. KCTCS Board of Regents Compensation and Classification
      3. Update: KCTCS Building Utilization and Consolidation Report
      4. Update: KCTCS 2022 Legislative Session
      5. Update: KCTCS Internal Audit Report
      6. Update: Administrative Services Report
      7. Update: Learner Success and Workforce Development Report
      8. Update: Technology Solutions Report

4:30 p.m.- **College Tour and Presentation
Hazard Community and Technical College

5:00 p.m.- **Adjournment

Friday, March 25, 2022 (Eastern Time)

8:30 a.m.- KCTCS Board of Regents Meeting
Hazard Community and Technical College

12:00 p.m.- **Lunch

4:00 p.m.- **Adjournment

**Start times will be upon conclusion of the preceding event