Meeting Materials



Kentucky Community and Technical College System System Policy and Planning Committee 
of the KCTCS Board of Regents Special Meeting 
January 20, 2022

Members Present:

  • Ms. Lisa V. Desmarais, Chair
  • Mr. James Lee Stevens, Vice Chair
  • Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Secretary
  • Mr. Joseph Heerdink
  • Ms. Alexandrea Shouse
  • Mrs. Brianna Whitten

Call to Order

KCTCS Board of Regents Chair Lisa Desmarais called to order the System Policy and Planning Committee of the KCTCS Board of Regents special meeting at 4:34 p.m. (ET) on January 20, 2022. The meeting was held virtually via Microsoft TEAMS. The press was notified of the meeting on January 13, 2022. Hon. Pam Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian. 

There being a quorum present, the meeting began.

Approval of Minutes

Chair Desmarais asked if there were any corrections to the November 18, 2021, minutes presented in the meeting materials. There being none, the minutes were declared approved as presented.

New Business

Chair Desmarais shared that the March 24-25, 2022, KCTCS Board of Regents meeting will be held at Hazard Community and Technical College. She noted that after the college tours with President Czarapata, she felt it was important for the Board members to go back to meeting at the colleges. Hazard Community and Technical College is excited to host the Regents for the March meeting. She shared that the new format of a one day meeting would not be feasible due to travel time, etc. so she would be asking the Board members to be in attendance for the two day meeting. 

Chair Desmarais asked Ms. Rivera to display the detailed itinerary (Attachment A) for the meeting on the screen for discussion. 

Chair Desmarais begin with the first item, A. Comp and Class Workshop. She noted that all the work done by KCTCS President Paul Czarapata, Vice President Wendell Followell, and KCTCS Assistant Vice President/Chief Human Resources Officer Jackie Cecil will conduct a workshop with the Regents to present all the work they have done 

on Comp and Class. Chair Desmarais called for discussion. There being none, she moved to the next item on the itinerary. 

Chair Desmarais noted the next items were all updates, and the materials would be sent out in advance of the meeting. She called for discussion. There being none, she moved to the next item on the itinerary. 

Chair Desmarais shared that the college tour and presentation would follow the Update agenda items. She noted that the college would be able to share information about their programs and highlight areas that are important to their community. Chair Desmarais called for discussion. There being none, she moved to the next item on the itinerary. 

Chair Desmarais noted that on Friday, March 25, 2022, the Board meeting will start at 8:30 a.m. and follow the same format as previous Board meetings. She shared that there will be a strict adjournment at 4:00 p.m. She called for discussion. There being none, she moved to the Board agenda for Friday (Attachment B). 

Chair Desmarais noted that at the December Board meeting, the Action: Personnel Actions was pulled from the consent agenda to become a regular action item so the Board could vote. The Personnel Actions agenda item will stay off of the consent agenda and become a regular agenda item. 

Chair Desmarais shared that the next item on the agenda, Action: KCTCS Nonrecurring Employee Appreciation was brought back after action taken at the December Board meeting. The Board asked if the item could be brought to the March meeting to discuss another award. Chair Desmarais called for discussion. 

During discussion, Regent Stevens asked if the money used for the appreciation award could be designated for salary increases during the budget discussion. Chair Desmarais noted that the Board could discuss that option during the meeting and not take action to give an employee appreciation award. She asked Ms. Duncan if that could be done. Ms. Duncan agreed the Board could discuss and not act. Chair Desmarais called for additional discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Action: 2022-2023 KCTCS Tuition. Chair Desmarais called on KCTCS President Czarapata to discuss this item. 

KCTCS President Czarapata noted that last year, KCTCS did not raise tuition, but this year, KCTCS can raise tuition approximately one percent. The Board would act during the meeting to raise tuition three dollars a credit hour. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: Review 

of Procedures for the Evaluation of the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. 

Chair Desmarais noted that the procedures should be reviewed every three years, and it is time to review. The Board will review and discuss the procedures, and then make any changes. Chair Desmarais called for discussion. 

During discussion, Vice Chair Stevens asked if KCTCS President Czarapata would provide the evaluation forms used for the President Leadership Team (PLT). Regent Fletcher asked if a copy of the KCTCS President job description could also be provided as the Board reviews the current procedures. She also asked if the Board could receive a copy of KCTCS President Czarapata’ s contract since there are so many new members on the Board who may not know the content. Ms. Rivera shared that she would send the information to Chair Desmarais to share with the Board. Chair Desmarais called for additional discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: Review of Procedures for Faculty and Staff Elections. She called on Ms. Rivera to discuss this agenda item. 

Ms. Rivera shared that after the elections in October 2021, many of the election officers asked for a review of the procedures. Ms. Rivera noted that with the new KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws, changes need to be made. Regent Heerdink asked if someone other than the Human Resource Officer for the colleges could be the election officer? Ms. Duncan shared others could serve and with the review of the procedures, that change could be made. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: KCTCS Budget Scenarios. She called on KCTCS President Czarapata to discuss this agenda item. 

KCTCS President Czarapata shared that all information related to the budget development would be provided to the Board in advance of the Board meeting so the Regents would have the opportunity to review and provide feedback. Action on the budget would take place at the June 9-10, 2022, Board meeting. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: New Policy for KCTCS Non-Banded Positions. She asked Ms. Duncan to present this agenda item. 

Ms. Duncan shared this agenda item came out of discussion from the December Board meeting in regard to executive compensation plan. She noted that under this new policy, the Board would set a range of compensation that the KCTCS President could offer and if the new president or cabinet member compensation was not in the range, then it would need to come before the Board for approval. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: New Policy for College Late Fees. 

She asked Ms. Duncan to present this agenda item. Chair Desmarais noted that at the December meeting this was discussed, and maybe this is not a new policy. Ms. Duncan agreed and suggested we remove the word “new” out of title. She also noted that this agenda item was listed to help the colleges become more consistent throughout the 

System. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Information: New Policy and Procedures for the KCTCS OPEB Benefits Trust. 

Chair Desmarais asked Ms. Duncan to present this agenda item. Ms. Duncan noted that a name change needed to happen. OPEB is not the only benefit this policy and procedure would cover. Ms. Duncan shared that this policy and procedure would be for KCTCS benefits. Ms. Duncan suggested the agenda item be called “Information: Policy and Procedures for KCTCS Benefits.” Chair Desmarais and the Committee agreed. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Update: KCTCS 2022 Legislative Session. Chair Desmarais asked KCTCS President Czarapata to discuss this agenda item. 

President Czarapata shared with the Committee that KCTCS Legislative Liaison Brian Perry had left KCTCS, and Ms. Rivera had taken over until the end of the session. He noted that Ms. Rivera will present this agenda item at the March Board meeting. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Update: KCTCS Strategic Planning 2022. 

Chair Desmarais noted that KCTCS Chancellor Williams had given the Board updates about the KCTCS Strategic Plan at the past two Board meetings and at the KCTCS Board of Regents Retreat. Ms. Rivera shared that KCTCS Chancellor Williams noted that the Board should be able to act on the KCTCS Strategic Plan 2022-2026 at the March Board meeting. Chair Desmarais asked for Ms. Rivera to make it an Action item and move it up on the agenda. Chair Desmarais called for discussion, there being none, she moved to the next agenda item, Update: KCTCS Building Consolidation and Utilization. She called on KCTCS President Czarapata to discuss this agenda item. 

President Czarapata shared that he is working with KCTCS Vice President Followell and his staff to prepare a report that will be shared with the Board in advance of the March Board meeting. Secretary Fletcher asked if the report could contain a line item number of high school students that are taking dual credit classes at the college and the number of high school students taking the classes at the high school. President Czarapata noted that he would work with Vice President Followell to include that information. Chair Desmarais called for additional discussion, there being none, she asked the Committee if there were any other items that needed to be addressed. 

Secretary Fletcher asked if Single Accreditation could be added to the agenda. She noted that it was discussed at the December Board meeting, but more information needed to be presented. Chair Desmarais asked if there were other systems similar to KCTCS that had single accreditation. She also requested data be shown to the Board on the benefits and challenges, and efficiencies that could be gained from single accreditation. Chair Desmarais asked for the agenda item, Update: Accreditation to be added to the agenda on Thursday. 

Chair Desmarais asked if the Committee had any other agenda items that needed to be discussed or added to the agenda. Ms. Duncan shared there are several policies and 

procedures that will be added to the Board of Regents TEAMS virtual workspace for the Board to review and those could be added to the March Board meeting agenda. Chair Desmarais asked that no other items after the policies be added to the agenda. 

Ms. Rivera shared that she would send out the evaluation information that was requested to the Board members and she would make the changes to the agenda that were discussed today and post for the next Committee meeting. 

Chair Desmarais announced that the next regular meeting of the KCTCS Board of Regents System Policy and Planning Committee is scheduled for February 17, 2022, via Microsoft TEAMS. 

Chair Desmarais asked if there was any further discussion. There being none, she called for a motion to adjourn.


Chair Desmarais called for the adjournment of the meeting. 

Mr. Stevens moved that the meeting adjourn. Dr. Fletcher seconded the motion. 

The motion was approved unanimously and adjourned at 5:32 p.m. (ET). 

February 17, 2022

Signature of approval are on file.