Meeting Materials

Dec. 3 BOR Meeting Agenda

The KCTCS Board of Regents will meeting in person at the System Office in Versailles, KY beginning at 9:00 am local time. The meeting will also be livestreamed via YouTube. 

YouTube Livestream:


  1. Call to Order and Press Notification
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • Approval of September 17, 2021, Regular Meeting Minutes
    • Approval of November 4-5, 2021, KCTCS Board of Regents Retreat Minutes
  4. Consent Agenda
    ** All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Board and will be approved by one motion. An item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a regent.
    1. Action: Ratification of New Credit Certificate and Embedded Diploma Programs
    2. Action: Ratification of KCTCS Colleges’ Candidates for Credentials
  5. Board Agenda Items
    1. Update: KCTCS Internal Audit Report
    2. Action: 2020-21 Annual External Audit Report
    3. Action: Personnel Actions
    4. Update: Employee Benefits
    5. Action: 403(b) Retiree Health Benefits Provided by the OPEB Trust
    6. Update: Compensation and Classification Plan
    7. Action: KCTCS Nonrecurring Employee Appreciation
    8. Action: KCTCS 2022-24 Biennial Budget Requests – Operating and Capital
    9. Action: Proposed Revision to KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 1.5
    10. Action: Approval of KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 2.11
    11. Action: KCTCS Interim Project Approval Scope Increase: ECTC Student Center
    12. Update: Mandatory Vaccine Plan (OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard)
    13. Action: Associate in Applied Science in Aviation Maintenance Technology for Madisonville Community College
    14. Action: Associate in Applied Science in Diesel Technology for Madisonville Community College
    15. Action: Proposed Revision to KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 4.11
    16. Information: Accreditation
    17. Information: Review of Procedures for the Evaluation of the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System
    18. Information: Review of Procedures for the Faculty and Staff Elections
    19. Update: KCTCS 2022 Legislative Session
    20. Update: KCTCS Strategic Planning 2022
    21. Update: Learner Success and Workforce Development Report
    22. Update: Administrative Services Report
  6. Executive Session – Working Lunch
    KRS 61.810 (1) (c) – Proposed or Pending Litigation
  7. Chair’s Report
  8. KCTCS President’s Report
  9. Next Meeting – March 25, 2022, Hazard Community and Technical College, Hazard, Kentucky
  10. Adjournment