KCTCS Board of Regents
Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2024, 12:00 p.m. CST
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Building F Conference Room
Chair Martin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order on June 13, 2024 at 12:25 p.m. CST.
Chair Barry Martin (Present)
Vice Chair Keith Hamilton (Present)
Secretary Brianna Whitten (Present)
Mr. Rusell Cox (Present)
Ms. Karen Finan (Present)
Mr. Christopher Girdler (Present)
Ms. Kimberly Greene (Present)
Mr. Joseph Heerdink (Present)
Ms. Layah Hodges (Present)
Ms. Alexandra Martin (Present)
Ms. Candace McGraw (Present)
Ms. Kelly Rabinowitz (Present)
Mr. James Lee Stevens (Present)
Mr. Marty Sutherland (Present) - OPEN COMMENT PERIOD
There were no requests for open comment. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Regent Cox made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 30, 2024, Board of Regents special meeting. Regent Whitten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - SOUTHCENTRAL KENTUCKY COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE (SKYCTC) PRESENTATION
SKYCTC President Dr. Phil Neal discussed the history of Bowling Green, the anticipated population growth, the important partnerships SKYCTC has, and the culture of SKYCTC which has contributed to their success. - CHAIR’S REPORT
Chair Martin thanked the Board for their participation at the May 30, 2024 special meeting and reminded the Board that the Policy and Planning Committee meeting is an opportunity to bring up issues that need to be addressed.
Regent Finan presented the results of the 2024 Board Evaluation survey. Regent Finan reviewed the individual responses which were aggregated to maintain confidentiality and provided a side-by-side comparison with the 2023 Board Evaluation. Regent Finan indicated that there was increased satisfaction in most of the categories from the previous year, but there was a drop in the categories of fundraising, conflict of interest/confidentiality, and undue political influence/external bodies.
Regent Finan made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Board Evaluation Report with a focus on improvement in fundraising, political influence, and governance. Regent Heerdink seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Dr. Quarles discussed KCTCS’ legislative wins and congratulated the Interim Presidents at Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College and Big Sandy Community and Technical College as well as the Interim Administrator at the Fire Commission. Dr. Quarles welcomed Marty Sutherland as the new Faculty Regent and discussed changes to his Cabinet.
Next, Dr. Quarles presented his goals and vision for KCTCS, which included a focus on the foundations, traveling to the colleges, reconnecting with local and state government, curing all audit findings and increasing advocacy efforts.
Dr. Quarles concluded by thanking Student Regents Alexandra Martin and Layah Hodges for their participation and leadership on the Board.
Chair Martin thanked Regent Finan and Dr. Patsy Jackson for their service on the Board.
The Board took a recess at 1:56 p.m. CST and resumed at 2:12 p.m. CST. - INCREASE ORGANIZATION SUCCESS
- Huron Project
Project Management Executive Director Dr. Sarah Ballard stated that seven (7) of the twelve (12) Huron priorities are complete with the remaining five (5) priorities in progress. Dr. Ballard thanked the work teams and reiterated how much work has been accomplished. - Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 179 Work Team Process
Dr. Quarles provided an overview of SJR 179 and the work team process that KCTCS has created in order to respond to SJR 179. Dr. Quarles reiterated that the Board was only being asked to endorse the process and not a specific direction.
Regent Whitten made a motion to approve the SJR 179 response plan as presented which utilizes the five established work teams to research and make recommendations on the eleven key areas identified in the Joint Resolution. Regent Girdler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - State Examination Update
Interim Vice President Buddy Combs provided an update on the State Examination. Mr. Combs stated that four findings and two observations have been implemented. The only outstanding finding is the forensic audit, which is ongoing. - Forensic Audit Update
KCTCS’s forensic auditors from KPMG provided an update on the progress of the audit. KPMG noted that KCTCS was responsive in providing the data and records requested. KPMG expects to begin providing draft reports by the end of July but is also holding weekly status meetings and sharing results in real time. - KCTCS Board of Regents Audit Committee Update
Audit Committee Chair Cox provided an update from the Audit Committee. Chair Cox reiterated that cybersecurity is always a concern, especially in times of transition but the items identified by the internal auditors are always minor and he believes KCTCS is in a strong place. - Internal Audit Contract Extension
Regent Stevens made a motion to accept the Audit Committee’s recommendation to extend the Dean Dorton internal audit contract through fiscal year 2024-2025. Regent Finan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - Ratification of Personnel Actions
Vice President Bridget Canter presented the personnel actions from February 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 for ratification.
Regent Whitten made a motion to ratify the personnel actions. Regent Hodges seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - KCTCS 2025 Calendar
Board Liaison Shannon Rickett presented the 2025 Board of Regents meeting schedule.
Regent Stevens made a motion to approve the quarterly meeting dates for 2025. Regent Girdler seconded the motion.
The Board took a recess at 3:35 p.m. CST and resumed at 3:46 p.m. CST. - Financial Report
Buddy Combs provided a financial report. KCTCS remains at a solid net position. The report contained financial reports from the System and each of the 16 Colleges. Mr. Combs provided a KCTCS-TRAINS update per recommendations. Dr. Quarles allocated an additional $2 million to KCTCS-TRAINS. There is a significant increase in the percentage of investment income. Mr. Combs said further details would be provided at the session the following day. Mr. Combs stated that the System has returned $24 million to the Colleges and a breakdown is included in the materials. Mr. Combs stated operational expenses are up due to increased capital projects, and increased asset preservation and maintenance. - Facilities Support Services Update
Buddy Combs provided a facilities support update. The Board received a listing of all Board approved projects and what phase the projects are in. There is a list of all asset preservation projects and a list of all capital projects. Mr. Combs reviewed the acquisitions and dispositions. KCTCS has three acquisitions pending and has been reviewing potential properties for dispositions. This report is presented to the Board twice a year.
- Huron Project
Regent Hodges made a motion to go into executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) to discuss proposed or pending litigation and KRS 61.810(1)(f) to discuss individual personnel matters that may lead to the appointment, discipline or termination of an individual employee. Regent Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board went into executive session at 4:05 p.m. CST. - ADJOURNMENT
Regent Stevens made a motion to return to open session. Regent Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to open session at 4:15 p.m. CST. Chair Martin announced that no action was taken in executive session. Regent Stevens made a motion to adjourn. Regent Heerdink seconded the motion. The motion passed by consensus and the meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m. CST.
Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2024, 9:00 a.m. CST
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Building F Conference Room
Chair Martin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order on June 14, 2024 at 9:01 a.m. CST. - ROLL CALL
Chair Barry Martin (Present)
Vice Chair Keith Hamilton (Present)
Secretary Brianna Whitten (Present)
Mr. Rusell Cox (Present)
Ms. Karen Finan (Present)
Mr. Christopher Girdler (Present)
Ms. Kimberly Greene (Present)
Mr. Joseph Heerdink (Present)
Ms. Layah Hodges (Present)
Ms. Alexandra Martin (Present)
Ms. Candace McGraw (Present)
Ms. Kelly Rabinowitz (Present)
Mr. James Lee Stevens (Present)
- 2024-25 KCTCS Compensation (Cost of Living Adjustment)
Buddy Combs presented a recommendation to provide a Cost of Living Adjustment up to 3% for all employees hired on or before March 31, 2024. Mr. Combs stated that the President’s Leadership Team supports the recommendation, and it has been built into the upcoming budget. The Chair asked how much that would cost and Mr. Combs stated the information was in the materials. Regent Heerdink made a motion to approve. Regent Hodges seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - 2024-25 KCTCS Annual Budget
Mr. Combs presented a recommendation that the Board of Regents adopt the 2024-25 KCTCS Annual Budget. The budget includes the cost-of-living adjustment that was approved. The budget will fund fixed cost increases in current employee benefits. This budget maintains nonrecurring budget reserves for each college, the System office, and the Fire Commission. Mr. Combs stated that fire and tornado insurance increased dramatically, and the legislature has covered that expense.
Mr. Combs requested the adoption of the 2024-25 Budget Resolution for KCTCS. Regent Cox made a motion to adopt the budget and Regent Alexandra Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- 2024-25 KCTCS Compensation (Cost of Living Adjustment)
Dr. Waggoner presented three action items and four updates for learner success.
- Ratification of KCTCS Colleges’ Candidates for Credentials
Regent Whitten made a motion to approve the awarding of KCTCS colleges’ candidates for degrees and diplomas and ratify certificates as presented in the supplemental booklet, January 6, 2024 – April 5, 2024 KCTCS Candidates for Credentials, with the credentials (degrees, diplomas, and certificates) to be awarded to the candidates upon certification that the requirements have been satisfactorily completed. Regent Girdler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - Ratification of KCTCS College Candidate for Credential: Student Regent Layah Hodges
Regent Heerdink made a motion to approve the awarding of an Associate’s in Arts degree to Layah Hodges with the credential to be awarded with high distinction. Regent Whitten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - Ratification of KCTCS College Candidate for Credential: Student Regent Alexandra Martin
Regent Hodges made a motion to approve the awarding of an Associate’s in Science degree and a certificate in Business Transfer to Alexandra Martin with high distinction. Regent Whitten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. - Certificate and Program Approvals
Dr. Waggoner provided an update on certificate and program approval. Owensboro Community and Technical College has a new Associate in Applied Science Degree in Professional Studio Artist – Bluegrass and Traditional Music. This has been approved by CPE and SACSCOC. There are also eleven new certificates included in the Board’s materials. - KCTCS Online Learning Assessment (KOLA) Plan
Dr. Waggoner provided an update on the KCTCS Online Learning Assessment Plan. The plan was approved in 2023. All full-time faculty teaching at least one online course have completed training. All faculty teaching at least one online course have completed a self-review of their course. - Enrollment Report
Dr. Waggoner provided an enrollment update. Enrollment is increasing week-to-week over the previous year. - Report on the Enrollment Cliff
Alicia Crouch provided a special report on the enrollment cliff. - Mental Health Survey
Dr. Waggoner shared information on a mental health survey. The survey was administered in Spring 2024 and the full report is in the Board’s materials. Dr. Waggoner highlighted some of the results. There was a discussion on how the Colleges are providing support to KCTCS students. - Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Waggoner provided an update on Artificial Intelligence. KCTCS has developed a guidance document to help with the use of AI detection technology and to share out what is appropriate AI use for both faculty and staff. The goal is to have this document publicized by the start of the fall semester. There is going to be an AI pilot course at Big Sandy and Gateway in the fall.
The Board took a recess at 10:20 a.m. CST and resumed at 10:35 a.m. CST.
- Ratification of KCTCS Colleges’ Candidates for Credentials
- Employer Asset Data and Employer Engagement Teams
Associate Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development Tanelle Sawyer presented an update on behalf of Vice President Jesse Shook. KCTCS has begun gathering data regarding workforce solutions and development and employer partnerships. The data was provided to the Board in their materials. The Colleges and the System Office have begun developing employer engagement teams to improve communication and demonstrate the value to employers. - Education First Employers
Ms. Sawyer also gave an update on education first employers and how they partner with the Colleges. - TRAINS Utilization of End of Year Recap
Ms. Sawyer provided an update and data on KCTCS-TRAINS. - Going Pro
Ms. Sawyer gave a recap of the “Going Pro” initiative to the Board. - NSF Grant Update
Ms. Sawyer informed the Board about the receipt of a $1 million planning grant for advancing manufacturing and building construction technologies. - Philanthropy
Associate Vice President of the KCTCS Foundation Dr. Megan Stith presented an update on philanthropy. Dr. Stith reviewed the vision for philanthropy at KCTCS for the future. The KCTCS Giving Day results were shared including a breakdown of the gifts received by each College.
- Employer Asset Data and Employer Engagement Teams
- Nominations for Board Chair
Regent Finan nominated Chair Martin for Board Chair. There were no other nominations for Board Chair. Nominations were closed and Chair Martin thanked Regent Finan for the nomination. Chair Martin was announced as the Chair for the coming term. - Nominations for Vice Chair
Regent Finan nominated Vice Chair Hamilton for Vice Chair. There were no other nominations. Nominations were closed. Vice Chair Hamilton thanked Regent Finan for the nomination. Vice Chair Hamilton was announced as the Vice Chair for the coming term. - Nominations for Secretary
Regent Finan nominated Regent Whitten for Secretary. There were no other nominations. Nominations were closed. Regent Whitten accepted the nomination and thanked Regent Finan. Regent Whitten was announced as the Secretary for the coming term.
- Nominations for Board Chair
Regent Stevens made a motion to adjourn, and Regent Alexandra Martin seconded the motion. There were no objections to the motion, and it passed by consensus. The meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m. CST.