The Board welcomed Dr. Sue Ellspermann, Ivy Tech President, and Dr. Sally Johnstone,
NCHEMS President, to discuss single accreditation pros and cons and stories from other
Systems that have pursued it. As a result of the conversation, an ad hoc team consisting
of the Chancellor, four College Presidents, two Appointed Regents and a Faculty and
Staff Regent will be established to look at this option for KCTCS. A follow-up report
will be provided at the June 2022 meeting.
A report was received about personnel actions and ratified.
The board voted to raise tuition by $3 per credit hour for the 2022-23 academic year
bringing the rate to $182 for in-state students, $364 for students living in counties
contiguous to Kentucky and $637 for other out-of-state students. The Board did not
raise tuition last year. KCTCS tuition remains the lowest in the state and about half
the cost of university tuition.
A new four-year strategic plan for the System was approved focusing on three major
goals to:
Increase Learner Success
Increase Employment Success
Increase Organization Success
The plan also updates the Mission, Vision, and Values of KCTCS.
At its last meeting in December 2021, the Board asked that an agenda item be placed
on the March 2022 agenda that would allow for a one-time non-recurring employee appreciation
amount of $500 before the end of the fiscal year. At the March meeting, the Board
entertained this motion, but instead directed the President to bring forward a more
robust, long-term compensation plan for employees. The compensation and classification
plan will be voted on at the June 2022 meeting.
The KCTCS Board of Regents had prior election processes that were not part of the
new policy and procedure update currently being undertaken through the KCTCS Board
of Regents review process. The Office of General Counsel identified compliance issues
with the previous election process and changed the procedures to coordinate with the
complete revision of the KCTCS Board of Regents Bylaws as directed by the Board. KCTCS
Board of Regents Procedure 1.0-P Officer Election Procedure follows the new format
and is compliant with state law and Board bylaws and policy.
The Board may annually review the procedures for the KCTCS President’s Evaluation
or may elect to review at a period of no longer than three years. Last review was
February 5, 2019. As part of its three-year review, the Board determined no changes
were needed to the current procedures.
As required by its Bylaws, the Board of Regents shall require a process for selection
of all elected Regents and shall publish and implement that process with the assistance
of colleges, the System Office, and staff members assigned thereto. Existing procedures
for the election process were updated and streamlined for the elections.
The KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 5.2 Conflict of Interest Policy is intended to address
statutory conflicts of interest as noted in KRS 45A and other conflicts that are not
strictly statutory but may arise as actual conflicts or appearances of conflicts that
require Regents to recuse themselves from matters before the Board.
The KCTCS Board of Regents has exclusive jurisdiction over the salary and benefits
of all KCTCS employees. For those employees who do not fall within a band on the previously
adopted salary schedule, the Board has only approved hiring and no other review of
salary, benefits, or supplemental compensation has occurred. KCTCS Board Policy 2.11
Compensation of Non-Banded Employees/Executive Level Compensation established a policy
to correct that gap in oversight, but the policy also requires a procedure for the
KCTCS President to establish an appropriate base salary and supplemental compensation
for the KCTCS executive leadership team. KCTCS Board Procedure 2.11-P will provide
sufficient flexibility for the KCTCS President to hire executive leadership and to
establish appropriate compensation while also maintaining the KCTCS Board of Regents
exclusive jurisdiction over salary and benefits. KCTCS Board Procedure 2.11-P sets
a range of acceptable salaries for executive level employees and sets a requirement
for prior approval from the KCTCS Board Chair when salary and compensation exceed
the range.
The Board approved 6,384 academic credential requests spanning between October 2,
2021 – January 7, 2022 (associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates). These credentials
4,038 candidates for certificates;
318 candidates for diplomas; and
2,029 candidates for associate degrees.
other highlights:
Received updates/reports on the following items:
College report from Hazard Community and Technical College President Dr. Lindon
KCTCS Internal Audit Report
Compensation and Classification Plan
Building Utilization and Consolidation
2023 Budget Scenarios
2022 Legislative Session
2023 Board of Regents Meeting Calendar
Next meeting
June 9-10, 2022
The KCTCS Board of Regents will conduct its next regularly scheduled meeting at Owensboro Community and Technical College.