Meeting Materials


Kentucky Community and Technical College System System Policy and Planning Committee 
of the KCTCS Board of Regents Special Meeting 
April 21, 2022

Members Present:

  • Ms. Lisa V. Desmarais, Chair
  • Mr. James Lee Stevens, Vice Chair
  • Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Secretary
  • Mr. Joseph Heerdink
  • Ms. Alexandrea Shouse
  • Ms. Patsy Jackson (serving in place of Brianna Whitten temporarily)

Call to Order:

KCTCS Board of Regents Chair Lisa Desmarais called to order the System Policy and Planning Committee of the KCTCS Board of Regents special meeting at 4:32 p.m. (ET) on April 21, 2022. The meeting was held virtually via Microsoft TEAMS. The press was notified of the meeting on April 14, 2022. Hon. Pam Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian. 

There being a quorum present, the meeting began. 

Chair Desmarais began with a request to modify the agenda; she asked “Internal Audit Contract Next Steps” be removed and placed on the next Policy and Planning Committee meeting. Regent Fletcher seconded her motion.

Approval of Minutes:

Chair Desmarais asked if there were any corrections to the February 17, 2022, minutes presented in the meeting materials. There being none, the minutes were declared approved as presented. 

New Business:

Chair Desmarais asked for a report from Regent Fletcher about the Resource Optimization Committee meeting held on April 8, 2022. Regent Fletcher provided an overview of the meeting and a full report will be made to the Board in June about the committee’s work. 

The committee then reviewed the draft agenda and itinerary for the June Board of Regents meeting (Attachment A). 

It was noted Regents will be asked in May to conduct their annual evaluation of the Board via survey; Regent Jackson will be leading that process this year. 

At the May Policy ad Planning Committee meeting, Dr. Czarapata and Buddy Combs will be presenting a draft presentation on compensation and classification, which has been updated to reflect informational requests by Regents and additional data. General Counsel Duncan mentioned the need for an overarching compensation policy for KCTCS in the future as well as a deeper look at the variables that can cause compression for employees. 

Chair Desmarais noted that the June Board agenda includes the annual evaluation of the KCTCS President, but she would like the committee to consider postponing the review until September 2022 in order to give Dr. Czarapata a full year to complete his goals. The next evaluation cycle will run from June to June annually. Regent Fletcher seconded the motion and it was approved. 

Chair Desmarais mentioned that the 16 College Mission Statements will be presented for approval in June as one item. This marks the first time they will be brought forward for mass approval rather than on different timelines.


Chair Desmarais called for the adjournment of the meeting. 

Mr. Heerdink moved that the meeting adjourn. Regent Jackson seconded the motion. 

The motion was approved unanimously and adjourned at 5:38 p.m. (ET). 

May 25, 2022

Date Approved

Signature of approval are on file.