Meeting Materials


Resource Optimization Committee
of the KCTCS Board of Regents Special Meeting
April 8, 2022

Members Present:

  • Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Chair
  • Mr. Russell Cox
  • Ms. Brianna Whitten (left at 9:55 a.m.)
  • Dr. Kimberly Greene (left at 10 a.m.)
  • Dr. Fernando Figueroa, External Member
  • Dr. Ty Handy, External Member
  • Dr. Jennifer Lindon, External Member
  • Dr. Anton Reece, External Member
  • Dr. Kris Williams, External Member


  • Ms. Lisa Desmarais, Ex Officio

Call to Order:

Committee Chair Fletcher called to order a special meeting of the Resource Optimization Committee of the KCTCS Board of Regents at 9:00 (ET) on April 8, 2022. The meeting was held virtually via Microsoft TEAMS. The press was notified of the meeting on April 1, 2022. Hon. Pam Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian.

There being a quorum present, the meeting began.

New Business

Chair Fletcher began with introductions of the committee members and a review of the committee charge (Attachment A). She emphasized several statutory requirements that require the Board of Regents to evaluate the System's continual progress and effectiveness. She noted that while the coversation began at a previous Board of Regents meeting as one focused on accreditation and consolidation, this committee will be taking a much broader approach to review data and outcomes to ensure that the System is operating in the most efficent manner possible. She thanked Chancellor Williams and the College Presidents for serving on this committee, as their perspectives and insights are necessary and highly valuable.

Chair Fletcher asked Chancellor Williams to present data regarding Student-Focused Goals for which the committee will focus on, including enrollment data by College; online course quality; dual credit course data; and, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) data.

Moving onto the next topic, the committee discussed opportunities for alignment of personnel; specifically, positions, job descriptions, and other efficiency ideas for the System.

The committee also discussed property utilization and long-term resource/asset management.

Chair Fletcher asked the committee to consider working to reach two primary goals in each of the following areas: student success; employee retention, recruitment, job satisfaction and success; and physical plant efficiencies.

Chair Fletcher noted that the time and date for the next meeting will be determined in the coming days, but she hopes the committee will meet again in May, and possibly June, so that a robust report can be made to the Board of Regents at their June 9-10, 2022, meeting.


Chair Fletcher asked if there was any further discussion. There being none, she called for a motion to adjourn.

Chancellor Williams moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Reece seconded the motion.

The motion was approved unanimously and adjourned at 11:20 a.m. (ET).

May, 11 2022

Date Approved

Signatures of approval on file.