Meeting Materials


Kentucky Community and Technical College System System Policy and Planning Committee
of the KCTCS Board of Regents Special Meeting 
February 17, 2022 

Members Present:

  • Ms. Lisa V. Desmarais, Chair
  • Mr. James Lee Stevens, Vice Chair
  • Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Secretary
  • Mr. Joseph Heerdink
  • Ms. Alexandrea Shouse
  • Mrs. Brianna Whitten

Call to Order:

KCTCS Board of Regents Chair Lisa Desmarais called to order the System Policy and Planning Committee of the KCTCS Board of Regents special meeting at 4:31 p.m. (ET) on February 17, 2022. The meeting was held virtually via Microsoft TEAMS. The press was notified of the meeting on February 10, 2022. Hon. Pam Duncan, KCTCS General Counsel, served as parliamentarian.

There being a quorum present, the meeting began. 

Approval of Minutes:

Chair Desmarais asked if there were any corrections to the January 20, 2022, minutes presented in the meeting materials. There being none, the minutes were declared approved as presented.

New Business

Chair Desmarais noted that committee will be reviewing the March 24-25, 2022, Board agenda a final time today and making any necessary additions or revisions. The meeting will be at Hazard Community and Technical College. 

Chair Desmarais asked Ms. Rivera to display the agenda (Attachment A) for the meeting on the screen for discussion. 

Chair Desmarais noted there will be two external presenters to the Board on Thursday: the President of Ivy Tech Community College and the President of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS). 

Chair Desmarais noted the next items were all updates, and the materials would be sent out in advance of the meeting. She noted the Building Utilization and Consolidation 

Report would be diving deeper than previous reports the Board had seen. Chair Desmarais called for questions. 

Regent Fletcher asked if the Board can expect to see current benefits as well as options for future or diversified benefits. Chair Desmarais asked President Czarapata to answer and he confirmed that the Board will be presented with current and recommended benefits. 

Related to the Building Utilization and Consolidation Report, Regent Fletcher requested to see the breakdown of how many high school students take dual credit on a college campus versus at their high school included in the March report. 

Regent Stevens mentioned that he had some questions that may be better addressed outside of the committee and stated he would be following up with Board Liaison Hannah Rivera to get those addressed. 

Regent Fletcher requested that the Information on the Budget Scenarios be presented before Action is taken on Tuition. 

It was noted that by President Czarapata that Information on College Late Fees will be struck from the agenda, as that has been addressed administratively and none of the Colleges are assessing the fees moving forward. He also noted that he has asked all 16 College Presidents to be in attendance for the March meeting. 

Chair Desmarais asked if there was any further discussion. There being none, she called for a motion to adjourn.


Chair Desmarais called for the adjournment of the meeting. 

Mr. Heerdink moved that the meeting adjourn. Regent Stevens seconded the motion. 

The motion was approved unanimously and adjourned at 5:19 p.m. (ET). 

April 21, 2022

Date Approved

Signature of approval are on file.