Celebrating Community College Month: KCTCS Mission

April 17, 2023

April is Community College Month and is an excellent opportunity to appreciate the immense contribution of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) in shaping the future workforce. Community College Month provides a platform for students, alumni, and the community at large to celebrate the achievements and importance of community colleges. Ultimately, community colleges have become the backbone of the education system, providing a steppingstone for many students towards a brighter future.

KCTCS provides high quality educational opportunities to the citizens of Kentucky. With 16 colleges and over 70 campuses throughout the state, KCTCS offers a range of programs offering credentials including certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees.

The mission of KCTCS is to improve the lives and communities of its students and the citizens of Kentucky through technical education, workforce development, transfer education, and educational partnerships. The college system offers a wide range of programs leading to careers in fields such as healthcare, engineering, business, and education.

In addition to providing high quality education, KCTCS also strives to be accessible and affordable. KCTCS offers flexible schedules and online learning options to make education accessible to anyone, regardless of their location or schedule. KCTCS also provides financial aid and scholarship opportunities to help make education affordable for students.

The mission of KCTCS is to enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of the Commonwealth by serving as the primary provider of college and career readiness, transfer education, and workforce education and employment training. 

Focus on Workforce Education and Readiness

KCTCS focuses on workforce education and readiness as these skills have become essential in today’s fast-paced and dynamic job market. With technological advancements and a constantly evolving business landscape, it is important for individuals to equip themselves with relevant skills and knowledge to remain competitive in their field. 

93% of students seeking a skilled trade career in Kentucky selected a KCTCS college. 80% of last year's credentials earned were in the top five in-demand job sectors. 

The need for workforce education and readiness is even more evident considering the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted industries and led to widespread job loss. With a significant number of individuals re-entering the job market, it is crucial for them to take advantage of educational opportunities and training programs to enhance their employability. Similarly, for existing employees, upskilling, and reskilling programs can equip them with the necessary skills to adapt to changing roles and responsibilities, ultimately ensuring their job security.

KCTCS is the number one provider of workforce training in the state of Kentucky, and the first stop for all workforce needs. KCTCS colleges, such as Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) have great relationships with local companies to help with continuing education, job placement and more.

"ECTC is connected to the community and making sure we have teammates available to expand manufacturing in Kentucky. We're adding 400 careers in Brandenburg. ECTC is doing a great job of looking ahead and ensuring people can train for those careers close to home," said Brandon Robinson, controller, Nucor Steel Brandenburg.

Invested in the Success of Every Student

KCTCS is invested in the success of every student as it is a crucial aspect of creating a positive learning environment. It is important to recognize the significance of investing in every student’s future. An invested instructor or advisor not only helps students achieve their academic goals, but also helps shape their character and morals. Every student is unique and has the potential to excel and contribute positively to society. It falls upon KCTCS faculty and staff to create a nurturing environment that enables students to embrace their individuality and reach their full potential.

"If a student shows interest above and beyond what they are learning in class and lab, I see it as my mission to fulfill their curiosity and provide them with additional learning opportunities and instruction. If they are willing to make the effort, so am I," said Brandon Perkins, professor of electrical technology.

Investing in a student's success can take various forms, from spending extra time helping students grasp abstract concepts, to recognizing their accomplishments and providing them with appropriate feedback. It also includes providing guidance and support, as well as creating an inclusive and safe space to grow and learn. Teaching is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about inspiring students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers. Teachers who are invested in their students create a sense of purpose and belonging that drives their desire to achieve excellence.

KCTCS educates 60% of Kentucky high school students who enrolled in dual credit courses. Last year, more than 25,000 high school students took KCTCS dual-credit classes, a 23% increase from the prior year. That's $22.8 million saved by Kentucky families of KCTCS student because of reduced tuition through dual credit. 26,802 dual credit students in 2020-21.

Encouraging & Approachable Learning Environment

Creating an encouraging and approachable learning environment is essential to foster positive learning experiences. Encouraging and approachable learning atmospheres create an environment that promotes openness, communication, and mutual respect between students and educators. 

KCTCS colleges go out of their way to celebrate the student populations and variety of student stories.

"Phillip E. Wallace was selected as the outstanding student in history. He distinguished himself through his passion for history, academic achievement, and heart for service. He is an Iraq war veteran who served two tours. He emerged as a leader in the classroom whose tenacity, enthusiasm for learning and life experiences inspired other students," said Dr. Angela Ash, professor of history, Owensboro Community and Technical College.

An approachable learning environment enables students to feel comfortable and less intimidated in asking questions or seeking clarification. In doing so, students can receive clear and concise explanations, and this may increase their confidence in their abilities. Furthermore, an encouraging environment provides an opportunity for students to learn from mistakes without feeling embarrassed or judged. Educators should aim to create a respectful learning climate that fosters curiosity, creativity, and growth.

KCTCS faculty and staff coach and mentor students so they can reach their dreams of a better life. We believe their success equals our success.

Engaged in the Life of Our Communities

KCTCS is dedicated to being engaged in the life of the communities within Kentucky. This is a critical aspect of building stronger relationships and promoting positive change at the local level. 

Sarah Collins-Rudolph, a survivor of the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, shared her story and journey at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. Stacey Wilson, assistant professor of history at WKCTC moderated the conversation. 

"I was elected to create this moment for our students and the community. They got to listen and interact with Mrs. Collins-Rudolph, who is living history. What is a better source than a primary source?" said Watson.

KCTCS is committed to providing accessible, equitable, and diverse programs that cater to the needs of the underserved. The colleges follow an open-admissions policy, which breaks down barriers and allows students to pursue their desired courses regardless of their academic background. Moreover, KCTCS provides scholarships, grants, and student loans to support students in paying for their education.

Community College Month is an excellent opportunity to recognize the critical role played by community colleges in providing affordable and quality education to students across the state. With an increasing demand for skilled workers in various industries, community colleges have become a popular and viable option for students seeking higher education.

KCTCS has built a reputation for offering high-quality education at a lower cost, thanks to its streamlined academic programs and flexible schedule options. This has played a crucial role in increasing enrollment and attracting diverse groups of students, including those who would not have been able to afford traditional college education. With courses that are relevant to today's job market, KCTCS has been successful in producing skilled professionals that meet the demands of various industries in Kentucky and beyond.

Overall, the mission of KCTCS is to empower students to achieve their career goals and enhance their lives through education. Whether students are seeking to start a new career, advance in their current field, or find transfer opportunities to a four-year university, KCTCS is committed to providing the support and resources needed to lead to student success.

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