Meeting Materials

Executive Summary - September 17, 2021

The KCTCS Board of Regents Meeting for September 17, 2021, was held at the System Office in Versailles, KY.

Meeting Highlights

draft of revised Bylaws were introduced during a special meeting held on August 27, 2021. During the special meeting, changes to the bylaws were reviewed and it was noted the bylaws had not been revised comprehensively for over twenty years. While the substantive provisions remain largely the same (as required by statute), the committee structure; procedural-oriented portions of the bylaws; and other items such as how to submit an agenda item have been revised to reflect a more collaborative and streamlined approach. The Board approved the new Bylaws and moved forward under the new provisions beginning at the September meeting.

Lance Mann, Dean Dorton Executive in Charge, introduced himself and Dean Dorton as a firm, and presented a proposed audit plan for FY 2021-22, which was approved. The contract with Dean Dorton began on July 1, 2021, and runs through June 30, 2022, with options for renewal.

President Czarapata presented his Goals and Objectives for approval. These will be in place through June 2022.

The new program approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents respond to local needs surveys in the college’s community.

  • AAS in Apprenticeship Studies for Somerset Community College

The Board approved a revision of KCTCS Board of Regents 4.12 Policy on Collaborative Program Development. The revisions:

  • Remove outdated language from the 4.12 policy in reference to SCANS (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) which was published in 1992.
  • Update the 4.12 policy language regarding academic programs that exceed a specific credit hour threshold and provide additional clarity regarding future changes to the credit hour range. Specifically, an exception to the total credit hour limit may be made by the KCTCS Board of Regents if a new program has external degree requirements which must be met necessitating such a request. A request for an exception to the total credit hour limit, including appropriate justification, must be submitted with the program proposal. However, once the credit hour exception has been approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents, additional changes to the program credit ours may be approved by the KCTCS President within a five-credit hour range. Any changes to reduce the number of program credit hours requires no formal approval.

Ratified new credit certificate programs

  • Each certificate is applicable towards at least one degree program and is designed to be responsive to education and workforce needs in Kentucky, providing greater student access to quality programs. New certificate programs were ratified for Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southeast Community and Technical College.

Approved KCTCS colleges’ candidates for credentials

  • For the period of April 10, 2021, through July 16, 2021, there were 13,124 credential requests, including 9,404 certificates; 589 diplomas; and, 3,131 associate degrees. Credentials are awarded to students upon certification that requirements for the credentials have been satisfactorily completed.

Ratified personnel actions

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Other Highlights

Chair's Report

Highlights reported by KCTCS Board of Regents Lisa Desmarais to the Board of Regents included Resolutions of Appreciation for the following Board members with expiring terms:

  • Tammy Thompson, Staff Regent
  • Mark Wells, Faculty Regent
  • Angela Fultz, Faculty Regent

New Student Regents Brooke Gallagher and Alexandrea Shouse and new Appointed Regent Russell Cox were introduced and highlights were reported from their orientation on September 16, 2021.

Chair Desmarais discussed the “All E.A.R.S.” Tour wherein she is visiting the Colleges with Dr. Czarapata. She also mentioned the Board Retreat planned for November 4-5 in Lexington.

KCTCS President's Report

KCTCS President Czarapata provided a report including updates on Fall enrollment outlook, legislative meetings, and marketing efforts.

Received Updates/Reports on the Following items:

  • KCTCS Compensation and Compression
  • Other Postemployment Benefit Trust Report
  • KCTCS 2022-24 Biennial Budget Request
  • Institutional Advancement
  • Academic and Workforce Services
  • Administrative Services
  • Computer Surplus Initiative

Next Meeting

December 3, 2021

The KCTCS Board of Regents will conduct its next regularly scheduled meeting at the KCTCS System Office in Versailles.